Weekly Reading October 7th – 13th, 2013

Welcome to my weekly angel tarot reading. I am dedicating this reading to my father who passed away 5 years on October 7, 2008. 

This week brings messages on the importance of perspective, quiet contemplation and taking the time to absorb life’s lessons along the way. 

You are a beautiful bright light, always and forever. And remember, everyone on this planet has problems. You are no exception. No one is so special, or so good, or so enlightened to bypass them. It is the human experience after all.

The sweet ain’t sweet without the bitter baby. Appreciate the teachers & lessons that come into your life and the amazing places they transport you to.


On Monday we meet the Three of Fire. I have a special affinity for this card;  it speaks straight to my heart. Take a good look and absorb all the messages. Life is rich with abundance yet often our outlook is too bleak. We look at our future through a lens of fear while forgetting our nature. You must remember that guidance, support & a soft place to fall is never far away. How beautiful that divine support is. When we lose sight of our passions, cease feeling inspired and stop making time for our creative outlets, life can feel pretty bleak. Start the week off with an attitude adjustment in any areas where you are focusing on what is going wrong more than what is going right.Life_Experience_Tarot

On Wednesday we meet, Life Experience. This card is known as The Tower in more traditional decks. There are events in life that are game changers. Events that alter the way you look at everything, and while you may desperately wish to return to the way things were – you cannot. Some life experiences are elevating & invigorating while other are shocking. They leave us feeling like we are adrift at sea without a paddle.  

One of these events has happened for you & now you must take the appropriate time to let the importance of these changes sink in. You have been presented a divinely guided opportunity. This current of change is swift and you must embrace it; there is no going back.The_Hermit_Tarot

On Friday we meet The Hermit. Make this weekend a quiet one. Deep meditation, yoga class, writing in your journal, a nature walk, curling up with a cup of tea and a good book are all perfect activities for you. Many of us have trouble being alone and being quiet, going inside and just “being”. The harder that is for you, the more you actually need to do this. It is a vital connection on the pathway to long lasting happiness & enlightenment.

You have been through a lot and you need time to absorb it. Sometimes we forget in this age of instant gratification that some things will always take time. You would never plant a seed and expect a strong oak tree to grow by morning. Silence is a gift to your soul and your future. Now is the time to seize it!!

This card also emphasizes the wisdom your life experience has imparted on you. You may become someones mentor soon. Spirituality will be in the forefront right now – strong dreams, connections to past life memories, reflections on your true nature, esoteric concepts and more. It is your responsibility to share your knowledge – The Hermit does not hide in the cave. Rather he emerges from his cave on top of the mountain to teach the students who have made the pilgrimage to learn from the master.


This week’s cards are Angel Tarot, by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue.

If you are interested in a private reading click here. To book a Tarot Party at your home click here.

Until next time…peace, grace & love. Lisa

Generosity, What Goes Around Comes Around

“Be generous in all areas of your life. shoreline-Oregon
The more you give of yourself and all that flows to you, the more you will see flowing back to you.”
– Wayne Dyer

It is a week of clearing out and making room for  wonderful new energies, projects, people and relationships in your life. Remembering to be generous of spirit is life changing. If all you can spare right now are extra smiles, go with that. The more you give, the better you feel & the more you want to give & get involved…and so the cycle begins.

Get in the flow of generosity and watch your life transform! Have a wonderful week everyone.

Peace, grace and love to you all, Lisa

My weekly reading speaks of healing and energy healing. You can read about it here: September 23 -29th, 2013 Weekly Oracle Card Reading.

Weekly Reading is Back!! September 23rd – 29th, 2013


Hello! After a two week absence due to a nasty bug I am so excited to be back in the saddle! This week it is time to clear out the old & what no longer serves you and get to work so that the bounty of harvest time can be yours!

As the Harvest Moon of last week draws to a close we meet Lugh, the Celtic sun god of harvest time. He even has a festival named after him, Lughnasa! September is a pivotal time of change. We feel it in the air, in our energy levels, in the food we crave, our wardrobe and in our surroundings. Lugh_Persistence

As for you, Lugh signifies a time of action. If you want to reap the rewards you seek then get down to business and stay focused on the big picture right now. If need be, break down your project into manageable tasks; even a little bit each day will keep you moving forward. Your intention is key to your success so be crystal clear what it is that you want before getting busy!

The artwork depicts a lion like mane of hair, powerful and regal, just like Lugh. His pendant bears a blazing sun laying against a ray like pattern of orange for courage, yellow for spirituality and gold for the bounty that awaits you. Call upon Lugh for assistance when mastering a new skill to reap abundance and that bountiful harvest!!Hilarion_Health_Healing

Mid week we meet Hilarion, a 4th century Middle Eastern Healer. He wears a bright green robe full of healing energy paired with a purple background signifying his divine healing powers. Healing is of paramount importance for you right now.  What is going on in your mind, body & soul right now? What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you? For many, it is the need to let go of the fear surrounding your own powerful gift of healing ( next card is VERY interesting regarding healing energy). 

Make those life changes that keep whispering to you. Less caffeine, less processed food, no more soda, an earlier bedtime, growing an herb garden in your window sill, Meatless Monday (or everyday!!), taking a dance class, quitting smoking, drink more water, break off that toxic relationship, signing up for a night class and on it goes. Do any of these sound familiar? I thought so. Trust your intuition and embrace these messages of healing!Merlin_Energy_Healing

Merlin comes to bring us into the weekend with his prophetic energy healing! Paired with the last card, you don’t need me to explain the  significant message of healing energy coming through. Not only can you make changes in your body and what you put into it, but remember to look around your home and work space, even your car, and clear out any old negative energy or clutter that is affecting you. Avoid spending time with anyone who does not fill you up with “cool & groovy” vibes. Be sure to send loving thoughts out over the weekend and stay in your healing heart, not the fearful & hurting heart. No pouting, no fretting over something that has happened that you cannot change…only love this weekend. 

I want you to focus on clearing out the old this weekend, this is Merlin’s gift of energy healing. If you feel guided, now is the time to sign up for a course in energy healing that you have been thinking about. 

Merlin is well know for his connection to King Arthur’s Camelot and helps us to focus our energies in healing ways. This card is rich in purples , signifying his divine healing energy and power (just like Hilarion).

This weeks cards are from Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters Oracle Cards published by Hay House.

Have a wonderful week and it sure feels wonderful to be back! Peace, grace & love – Lisa

Please stop by and Like my Facebook page as well over in the sidebar on the right or here as part of the blooming process of my spiritual career!!! BloomLisa on FB!

Drowned by Tissues

My third eye is blocked by a severe case of congestion and back-to-school bugs!! My sincere apologies but I will not be posting a weekly reading for September 9th – 15th, 2013.

Any tips from my eclectic & health savvy fellow bloggers for healing teas, tonics etc are welcome in my comments!!!! Merci beaucoup:)Oonagh

I hope to be back in action very soon! Have a wonderful week and good health to all. Peace, grace & love to all, blessings – Lisa

Do You Bring The Love?


“The world is healed one loving thought at a time.” – Marianne Williamson

For anyone who has spent much time with A  Course in Miracles, they are familiar with Marianne Williamson. It calls to me with in loving whispers.

It is the little things, the simple moments that make the biggest difference in how we live, laugh & love one another. Next time you are faced with one of those challenging moments, choose the loving way.

Vulnerability is a beautiful place to connect with, albeit frightening at first. Once you do, watch your life expand like a summer bloom. 

After all, we can only change ourselves. If we all pick up the torch imagine the miracles that will ignite! Peace, grace & love, Lisa

Weekly Reading September 2 – 8, 2013, Flower Therapy Oracle Cards

You are growing right now through some deep soul healing, and seeing as you are already rummaging around in your “true self” the cards are urging you to connect with some passions you buried from your childhood, likely while trying to be a responsible adult! Yes, we often lose sight of what we need to be doing while we spend most of our time doing what we think we should be doing. Keep your thoughts positive as you head into the weekend. There will be some tough stuff thrown at you, keep bringing your thoughts back to the highest outcome and all will be well. You CAN create a better outcome by remembering that compassion is your greatest strength.

As we begin a new month and a key month of change here in September, it feels a bit like a dry run for our New Year’s Eve resolutions – creating a schedule and sticking to new healthy & productive routines is on the forefront of many agendas heading into this week. This can be daunting and even overwhelming. Take a deep breath, you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.


First we meet YOU ARE HEALED, CALENDULA/POT MARIGOLD. 2013 is a year of pivotal change and this healing is one piece of the puzzle. Last week we ended with the Seven of Earth, a pause in the action and it is continuing here as we start the week. You are asked to continue being patient and to keep the faith that everything will materialize for you – all in good time! The message is also one of significant healing. This pause in forward motion in your life allows for deep soul healing. Soon, you will enjoy strengthened vitality and strength as a result. Stay positive and keep that inner dialogue positive as you healing periods are not all rainbows and lollipops. Remember, it is best to stay in the organic flow of life right now rather than getting caught up in other people’s drama. Stay centered in your healing and trust your intuition!!!

If you are a healer, this is a time for you to pay close attention to the intuitive messages that you are receiving. If you are receiving care from a healing practitioner, then this is an important union and vital to your healing process. Calendula is a popular healing herb.Waratah_Become_The_True_You

Midweek we meet BECOME THE TRUE YOU, WARATAH. This card is so inspiring. It is asking you to connect with your natural instincts that are unique & specific to YOU!  Going through this deep healing process opens up your desire to live a more authentic existence. It is safe and it is time for you to be honest about who you are. Think back for a moment to your childhood. What were you like? What would you get up to when left to your own devices? Did you love to forage off in the trails hunting for new treasures? Did you live in your imagination creating accessories for your unique amazing world? Were you a bookworm? The mad scientist? A demolition expert? A performer? An organizer? We all had our passions and didn’t think twice about living in the moment and saturating our day with them. Fast forward through high school, college, taking on a serious mortgage  paying, spouse attracting REAL job. Take a hard look at what you do everyday & ask yourself if you are happy like when you were a child? I truly hope some of you answer a resolute YES, but I fear that many of you cannot. Looking back into your childhood is a great place to start finding the clues to what brings about your joy and purpose in life. This flower is so complex, passionate and full of life force & vitality just like…..YOU!Bromeliad_Be_Positive

BE POSITIVE, BROMELIAD is here to support you through some challenging situations that are impacting your journey this weekend. You can change this stressful situation with your thoughts. Create a new, loving, inspiring avenue for your thoughts. Also, choose your words wisely! Throw all the nurturing, loving  and compassionate thoughts & words you can at this situation. Your thoughts create your reality so if you focus on things falling apart then likely that is what will transpire here. What you think about you bring about. Often worry makes us feel like we have control over a situation. In a sense it does, by drawing more negativity towards us. Simply put, we all know the power of a smile. Apply this rule to all situations in your life and see the doors open up. The soft pink colour of the Bromeliad is soothing and calming as you must keep your mind this weekend!

I wish you a wonderful week as you begin your adventures through September. Be well, stay focused and be positive! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, it is greatly appreciated.

This week I am using the FLOWER THERAPY ORACLE CARDS, by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves.

Namaste – Lisa


Someone Pressed The Pause Button on Your Life This Week

When your life seems to be happening around you leaving you on the side lines with what feels like no input or control, what can you do about it? Today’s card is advising you to MAKE A DECISION! Deciphering between the situations where you want to embrace the flow of life & when to create some dynamic change is an art form. The ego speaks loudly and the organic flow of life can get swept away by the back & forth dance of indecision.Make_A_Decision

Here is a trick. Take a deep breath & commit to the exercise wholeheartedly. Write down two options on pieces of paper, fold them, mix them up in your hands then place them behind your back. Pick one, open it up and commit 100% to this outcome in your mind. How does it feel? Does panic set in or do you light up like a Christmas tree? This works for decisions big and small. Are you about to get married and feeling unsure, are you looking at taking a new job that requires you to move, are you experiencing a health crisis and need to decide on a path of treatment?

Now that you have made a decision you can embrace this intention and manifest a new path for yourself whole heartedly. That can be even trickier than the decision making…..stay the course and see the magic unfold.

I love that this card came up for today. My weekly Tarot reading for August 26 – September 1, 2013 asks us to make the most of this week with a vacation as progress is at a standstill and now we meet MAKE A DECISION, from the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. By doing this, we open the doors up for progress.

Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love your comments and feedback!! What an amazing community we have here. Namaste – Lisa

Weekly Tarot Reading For August 26 – September 1, 2013

As the week progresses you will find that projects are not moving forward as quickly as you would like; does it not make perfect sense to get away and enjoy the last few days of these glorious hot August nights? There is nothing to worry about. You have worked hard and it will pay off….just not this week. Be good to yourself, let go of your worries and relax…. in fact, the cards are telling you to take a vacation this week.

I am happy to be using the Angel Tarot cards this week and I LOVE that they are sending messages of summertime vibes and owning your power. I hope that after several months of reading my posts that you are aware of just how amazing and miraculous you are.Six_of_Air

Now lets get down to this weeks business. Although the Six of Air is a beautiful card it has an aura of sadness. Your past struggles have weighed you down.  Making changes at work, at home or in relationships has seemed daunting. Your confidence, purpose and in some cases even depression, have weighed you down. These feelings have kept you from making the necessary choices to alleviate your burdens. The flowing water dripping over the fallen tree indicates that you are about to take a leap of faith, you will feel a bit like you are jumping off a cliff.  This is the end of a challenging time for you and you are headed in the right direction!! When you embrace the fear and do something extraordinary you can change your vibrational energy. In one reading I did, this card indicated a job change into a field working with boats!

The moment is here to sail off to new shores & vantage points and guess who has come to fill you up with confidence to take this momentous journey? The Magician!!  He is a reminder that you have everything you need deep inside of you. That you behold the gifts to go after your dreams. I love that he has come to support you at a time when you need that extra boost of confidence.The_Magician

Do not allow fear based thoughts to penetrate your new direction as you overcome past challenges. This often happens as you break old habits; friends, family and co-workers can reject this new you and make you question your new behaviour, hobbies, career path, spirituality, etc. Stay the course!!

AA Raziel’s halo and robe are a rainbow, symbolizing a promise of hope as he stands in a field of lilies signifying his intention is pure. We are all trying our best in any given moment after all. The field of white lilies tell us that he is pure of heart. We can clearly see through the arch with all of the lush blooming red & pink flowers above and below it. This tells us no knowledge is secret and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Whatever new project you have been dreaming for yourself, wether it is gathering up the courage to talk to a love interest, to your boss about a new project or a raise, a home renovation or something else. You are wise and powerful and need to own it. Now is a good time to go for it! Just expect to wait a bit for any movement in the matter as per our next card…. the Seven of Earth

To cultivate true happiness you must be patient; nothing worth having is ever easy my friends.Seven_of_Earth

The Seven of Earth comes to tell you progress is at a standstill, but do not be deterred from your highest goals. Again we are asked to take a vacation (two cards telling you to get away, not a subtle hint!! lol). If you can’t take a traditional vacation then spend the week doing things that are restorative. Try a meditation or yoga challenge, plan to spend a fun day at the beach…something fun and out of the norm. 

A young fairy is visiting the wise old tree. She wants good news. Sometimes good news comes to us as it needs to rather than how we want it to. Seven branches hold coins of abundance at the end. These coins signify that although the seeds you have planted are not yet in bloom they are so excited to blossom into something beautiful & inspiring in due time! Everything you want is ahead of you, please be patient and have faith.  Show yourself kindness and acknowledge all that you have down to get to this point…it hasn’t been easy. Yes, you still have more work to do, but it will pay off. Release any negativity you are feeling towards this pause, it does not serve you well. 

This will be a wonderful week full of confidence building, relaxation, release and fond memories. Pack your bags, take a camera and turn your phone off!! It will all be waiting for you when you return. Be well, be kind and treat others the way you wish to be treated.

The Angel Tarot are created by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Peace, grace & love – Lisa

Heal The World One Act Of Love At A Time

Choosing LOVE over FEAR will change your entire life. It is in these emotions of fear, anger, lack and frustration that illness is born, dissatisfaction with our lives flourishes and we let our egos rule the roost! I know it is an old cliché, but LOVE truly does conquer all. Your ability to connect with the love within you allows you to be a powerful force of healing. Trust and faith in what can HEAL within our bodies is essential. Today we meet HEALER, from Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.Healer

As I look at the imagery of this card I connect with the ways I use the power of love daily as a coach, a friend and a mother. Our individual energy is so strong and through intention, purpose and practice you can turn it into a healing gift. The purity of intention shines through the loving gaze of this fairy, dressed in white adorned with pure white wings. The young unicorn is unsure & in pain as she gazes away from the HEALER at her side. Sometimes it is a challenge to accept aid, perhaps even overwhelming. Connecting to your source LOVE is a game changer. 

As you read this message today you are either in need of healing love or you being called into service as a healer. As an individual soul you can benefit from furthering your knowledge of healing methods with study, experience and research. I recommend one very basic technique that does take significant dedication and practice, but learning to shift your inner dialogue to more positive loving messages can be a huge resource for healing old wounds. Pay attention to the sound real in your mind and the messages that come at you every day. Are they kind, forgiving, motivating & compassionate or is your inner dialogue dripping in cruel, judgemental, uninspiring & opinionated advice? This can be very helpful to current health issues that have manifested in your body.

If you earn a living as a HEALER, now is the perfect time to take a new course and advance your training at a deeper level of connection.

A related post, Share Your Gift With The World, featuring the cover girl of my very favourite Oracle Card Deck, the powerful Celtic goddess Dana (pronounced – DON-nah). It is one of my favourite single card posts that I have posted on my blog. This is an excellent add on post to the messages here, very beneficial if you are seeking to move into a new HEALING phase of your life. Dana

Have a wonderful summer day! Namaste – Lisa

Weekly Reading August 12th – 18th, 2013

I am using the nurturing Mother Mary Oracle Card deck for this weeks reading. This deck called me this week, it wanted to deliver the guidance and I can see why. A lot of hurt and frustration is surfacing and a kind and gracious hand can make all the difference when delivering the news! The reading this week is quite different than most. It is a loving, nurturing reminder that your journey in life has many hills and valleys. You are being challenged and staying connected to your GRACE, PATIENCE and faith (WATCHED OVER) will assist you in achieving the best results.Grace_Mother_MaryWe start the week off with GRACE. You have been giving yourself a hard time and not honouring all that you are. As you raise your confidence with a more positive inner dialogue, your life will improve in surprising and enriching ways. A helpful method for re-training old negative patterns is to imagine how Mother Mary might handle this situation. This is equal to the STRENGTH card, which I have written about separately, so beautiful.Patience_Mother_Mary

Mid-week the PATIENCE card comes knocking. Although you feel trapped right now and not patient at all, it is best to have faith in the big picture rather than forcing your own ego based agenda. Take a deep breath, relax and let go. Faith can be tricky. It feels uncomfortable to blindly walk down the path that seems to go nowhere, foolish even. Yet this is what is required to have an exceptional life. Only when you can embrace your fears can they set you free. Watched_Over_Mother_Mary

For the weekend we meet WATCHED OVER. The world is sending out messages constantly that invoke fear and make us question our safety. Please remember that when you feel scared and unsure that you are being watched over. Take comfort in that and let go of these fears. As your fear dissipates so does its power over your life.  Again, faith serves you well here. Inner guidance is an essential tool right now, keep your mind clear and open to receive its messages.

Have a week where you nurture your soul and disengage from the news as best you can. The world is so dialed into the latest and greatest, anything that you need to know about will find you, you can trust me on that! Any other outlets for information that make you feel scared should be avoided also.

Light & love to you all. Thank you so much for stopping by!! Lisa