Stunning and Sticky and Beautifully Merciless, A Course in Miracles

As I embark on the great adventure of summer break, I am holding the lessons of big blue near and dear to my heart. And my children’s. I hope you enjoy them as I have enjoyed sharing them. Live life in FULL bloom my friends.

Blazing Light of Glory

Studying A Course in Miracles is a sticky, beastly, merciless journey into your soul. It is also stunningly gorgeous in its expedition into the meaning of love.

Lately I notice the impact of my studies in a big bold way. The 325 lessons I now have under my belt have grown deep roots. Thick, course and twisted, their wisdom has weaved an invasive path into my subconscious mind and taken hold with great love and graciousness.

There is no turning back now.

Life feels more manageable, like I am finally growing up.

Now, when my youngest daughter begins hyperventilating, tears streaming down her face, arms swinging and gasping for air because forgetful Mommy has given her the yellow bowl instead of the blue bowl for the umpteenth time, I can notice my own inner 5 year old simultaneously gearing up to throw a temper tantrum that puts hers to shame. Clearly, I have no shame. None at…

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What is in a Word?

Blazing Light of Glory

Words are fascinating.

Delivered in a soft and loving tone the words, “I love you” can make you weak in the knees yet if delivered in a possessive tone,  you may feel like running at cheetah speed off into the great beyond.

Descriptive words can be vague or crystal clear as they paint either a Monet or a Salvador Dali.

Then there are heteronyms, words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently and have completely different meanings, like the words wound, delegate, refuse, wind or resume.ACIM_sin_HB2015

Then there is that heavy word, sin. In this day and age it feels religious, irrelevant and judgemental. Like it or not, everyone who hears it is familiar with its flavour. It’s bitter taste makes me want to spit it back out before it settles into my taste buds.

When is the last time you used the word sin? I…

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Ten Years of Love, Kids and Life

Here we are one year later and it feels like a good time to share this post. Any relationship, marriage or commitment, is much like a rose bush. If it is nurtured and looked after, it will flourish after a long cold winter. Live life in FULL bloom – Lisa

Bloom Lisa Coaching

Today marks my 10 year wedding anniversary.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

When I transport myself back to that madly in love young woman walking down the aisle with a cheshire cat grin on my face, I clearly see that my marriage & my kids have completely transformed me into an almost unrecognizable version of my former self. A much kinder, gracious, generous and loving one too. For a marriage to succeed the demands of modern life, a radical openness of the heart is required. Nothing more or less than whole hearted love for all members of your family will do. This does not mean liking them all the time, oh no no no. Nor does it mean spending all of your time together like a big happy family with a white picket fence. But it does mean knowing & recognizing the tricks your ego plays on you and the need to let things go.Summer_Sunset_Mex

Having just returned…

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A Magic Carpet Ride

A nice dose of Happy Boxes with some light and love for your Sunday. Live life in FULL bloom – Lisa

Blazing Light of Glory

Studying Big Blue entails much more than an interpretation of the text. Being 280 Lessons in, I would be so bold as to say that whatever your perception of what The Course would be like, that image will in no way resemble the ensuing magic carpet ride.

My interest in pursuing The Course is as a spiritual one. The first time I saw Caroline Myss speak she said, “Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to God.” She has a strong belief in God, but just like The Course teaches, she sees how words separate us.

I enjoy imagining myself looking down on planet earth from deep in space. Seeing the planet as a whole, rather than one with borders and nationalities, filled with rules and beliefs that create division. Great truths are so simple, and resonate at a soul level. Knowing that we are all more alike than different is one of them. Julie…

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Bibbidy Bobbidi Boo

Today provided some much needed quiet time to write this post that has been marinating in my mind for the past 10 days; it is near and dear to my heart. Enjoy the magic and the love! Lisa

Blazing Light of Glory

This is a very special post for me. I do hope you enjoy it. Let me share a tale of love, fear and forgiveness.

Cinderella was my oldest daughter’s first princess. I was of a mind to skip all that princess stuff unless she embraced it on her own, and sure enough, around Sofia’s 3rd birthday the princess gowns, wands and crowns invaded our house like maidens at the castle for the royal ball.

SofiaPrincessCouchAge3 copyThis photo warms my heart and her expression is priceless. It was taken about five years ago now. Sofia is in her Etsy Cinderella dress reading a “vintage” copy of Cinderella on her Disney Princess sofa. Although her princess faze passed around age 5, it was an early indicator of her love of books.

For a solid year, I read that book at least three times a day and I am quite  impressed that, to this day, it hasn’t fallen…

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I Would Not be Afraid of Love

As part of my strategy for surviving spring break on a stay-cation and part creative juices flowing, I have been on fire creating new Happy Boxes and my latest post regarding the Course is loaded with them! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

Blazing Light of Glory

I recently made a note in the column of big blue as I reflected on the title: A Course in Miracles. It could just have easily been named A Course in Shifting Perceptions to Create a More Loving Life. Clearly this title does not have the same caché, but it would have scored some major points for clarity.

Recently, Julie and I discussed how wisdom must be attained by the student, independent of their teacher. We discussed how guru’s lead their students to the cross roads, but then leave them at the juncture to sink or swim. The Course is no different and the title functions like foreshadowing.

We are in section 4. What is Sin? of the Workbook for Students and I enjoyed the perspective of insanity, fear and love this week. The first sentence reads:

Sin is insanity….(3) Sin is the home of all illusions, which but stand for things imagined, issuing from thoughts that are untrue…

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Be A Gangster of Love

I have a soft spot for this post on fostering love and beauty in your soul. All good things to you – Lisa _/|\_

Blazing Light of Glory

Each night at bedtime we say a prayer I learned back in 2012 from Robert Holden at the I Can Do It! Vancouver Conference with a  little add-on from Mama Bear (that’s me).

Dear God,

Please show me the truth about myself
No matter how beautiful it is.

Peace, grace and love
To everyone around the world
Here and gone
Amen and hallelujah!

I was able to tell Robert Holden how he had inspired me to say the prayer with my kids every night for the past two years at a workshop in 2014. I was able to tell Robert Holden how he had inspired me to say the prayer with my kids every night for the past two years at a workshop in 2014.

Last week we studied Lesson 239, and the first line of the lesson made me think of the value of this prayer.

Let not the truth about ourselves be hidden by a false humility….We thank You, Father, for the light that shines forever in us…

The Course is such an amazing journey to love. It weaves…

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The Mouth Watering Road to Happiness

Delicious layered cake with oodles of fancy icing and its connection to happiness is certainly worth a re-blog don’t you think? Have a delicious day – Lisa

Blazing Light of Glory

usethisicingblogHappiness both entices and eludes us. Think of it like A Course in Miracles Cake, with layers of warm love, creamy gratitude and satisfying forgiveness, topped with a fluffy swirl of mind-blowing happiness icing. We wish we could eat that cake every day, but we don’t…..or we can’t. Just entertain the idea for a minute of how amazing it would be to eat cake every day. And if you ate it every day, then you would have to have it for breakfast sometimes; you would have to, right?

Part Two of the Workbook for Students is delivering a style of lessons that I have been waiting a year for. It is like eating cake every day now, soul filling, delicious and satisfying. Yes, I said an entire year which translate into 220 lessons! The shift is a result of the lessons becoming more “digestible” as they present themselves in…

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* Tips for Handling the Highs and Lows of Life

This is my first re-blog of someone else’s work. I just adore this list full of wisdom and humour. Have a wonderful weekend – Lisa

Find Your Middle Ground

I came across this list in a training manual for helping people manage their stress. I’m not sure who the originator is, but I would like to acknowledge Dr Laura Belsten and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence for sharing it. Good stuff 🙂roller coaster

  1. Accept that some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.
  2. Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
  3. Drive carefully. Its not only cars that can be recalled to their maker.
  4. If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
  5. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
  6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.
  7. Since its the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.
  8. When everything is coming your way, you’re in the…

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I am Free

I finished the novel The Book of Negroes, by Lawrence Hill the other day. As I read it I was studying the idea of freedom in A Course in Miracles and the timing was impactful to say the least. The post could have been written for either of my blogs, but it is such deep material that I wanted to express it through the wisdom and grace of The Course. If you haven’t read the book, you should. Sending light and love as always, Lisa

Blazing Light of Glory

It seems Julie and I have both been inspired by the recurring mantra in Review VI in the Course, (Lessons 201-220). Each lesson begins and ends with the mantra:

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Julie’s last post Still…. is a beautiful prose examining the word itself.  Today I write about being free and the power of the mind in achieving freedom.

Last week I inhaled and devoured a great masterpiece of modern Canadian literature, The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. Co-incidentally, it has just started running as a mini series on broadcast tv. Here is a short description of the book taken from the author’s website:

Abducted as an 11-year-old child from her village in West Africa and forced to walk for months to the sea in a coffle—a string of slaves—Aminata Diallo is sent to live as a…

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