Don’t Shoot the Messenger

I really love this card.

Have you ever met someone who shares their point of view without any regard for your feelings or even an awareness that you might have some? Or how about a relative who shares their opinion loud & proud a little too often? Well these people are your Page of Air. Their lack of tact doesn’t mean that they are bad people, some folks just shoot straight from the hip.

Page of Air will show up when you need to hear a crystal clear truth that you have not been open to receiving. It has become quite important that you hear this truth right now. Liking the tone in which it is delivered is not a pre-requisite for this particular course however!

Change is all around us. The pillars of society are rocky at best. Time can be of the essence and for the Page of Air there is no time for tact; it is business time!Page_Air

The imagery of this card is strong, aggressive and powerful. Not only is she armed with focused intention and a very large sword, but she has quite a team at her side. Just like the her sword, the truth she delivers can cut deep wounds. She holds an illuminated world in the palm of her bear paws adorned with grizzly bear sized claws. I don’t know about you, but I would not mess with her! Of note, this person can be either a male or female.

With an erupting volcano in the background symbolizing the ever-present creative forces at work, we see a lion (courage, power, strength), a wolf (intelligence) and a unicorn (purity and integrity) in the foreground.

One more note on the wolf; wolves have a very keen sense of hearing. You too must increase your awareness to receive important messages coming your way. Leave your ego at the door and listen to the message; there is no room for emotion here.

We all know someone who can deliver a message of truth that cuts right to the bone. Please, don’t shoot the messenger! The guidance may be abruptly delivered but you will reap the greatest benefit if you can separate the message from the messenger. Lessons are actually blessings in your life.

Have a wonderful week. I am available for local and long distance readings with spiritual counselling. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and share your light in my world. Peace, grace and love. – Lisaquarter_ad_ScSh_2014Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business!

Stretch Your Wings and Fly

It seems to me that this week you need some encouragement. Here we meet the soulful, nurturing, confident and sensuous Queen of Fire. An adept multitasker who blends her own brand of charm with irresistible independence. She combines Aries (task completion) and Pisces (nurturing and intuitive) to perfection. Sounds good to me!QofFire

She is here to tell you that you are magnificent, just like her. She wants you to realize that you already embody all the traits that you think about attaining “in the future”.

This card makes me think of the heart and solar plexus chakras. She is simply glowing in a golden hue emanating self confidence. Her throne, crown and bracelet are all adorned with emeralds representing an open heart chakra. Living life in your heart rather than your head keeps you in the flow and eases transitions. Her friend the dragon reminds us that friends make everything better, so go create something exciting with someone you care about.chakras

Perhaps when you see this card you are reminded of someone in your life. Today is a good day to reach out to them and see what creative sparks fly!!

I recommend you take a few deep breaths and look at her. The artwork is emotive and sensual and is a perfect illustration of how a picture can be more powerful than words.

Choose your words wisely.  Set your intentions in the present tense so that you manifest your desires into your life now rather than into the “just beyond reach” in the future sometime tense.

This card is from the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue. Artwork is by Steve A. Roberts. Publisher: Hay House.

I am available for readings via Skype, FaceTime, email or phone. Please visit my Spreads & Pricing page to learn more about my readings and how to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sending you peace, grace and love. Namaste – Lisa

quarter_ad_ScSh_2014Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business!


Have More Fun

A visit with the ancient art of tarot reminds us to have more fun. After all, a playful approach is the most effective one!Two_of_Earth

In the Two of Earth from the Angel Tarot, this red headed woodland fairy is juggling too many balls. Not only is she adrift but she is unaware that she is on a collision course that will stop her in her tracks. Even though she is blessed with abundance, the chaos of her life is setting her up for a big disappointment. Sound familiar?

When you continually manifest new experiences in your life by creating change and being productive, it is easy to lose balance and feel overwhelmed.  Sometimes it becomes the new normal and people live their lives in a state of disconnection. Now is the time to connect with your playful side and approach your life with a sense of fun and light-heartedness.

I love that saying you know the truth when you hear it. It certainly rings true for me that when you lighten up, the pieces of life have a way of falling into place effortlessly.

The artwork is bright and playful, adorned with a rainbow of hope across the sky. Her bright red hair symbolizes passion, strength and energy while her face & body language tell a different tale. You have all the wisdom and strength within you already but you have too much going on to recognize this!

Decisions need to be made right now regarding your life; don’t let it overwhelm you. As the card says, “Consider a more playful approach” as you create your strategy. Do something silly “just because” and embrace your inner child! Remember, you have been feeling overwhelmed so any decisions you are making should alleviate the burden, not add to it. Trust your intuition.

So take a few calming breaths, put a smile on your face and do something fun right now. Then in the spirit of fun, make some strategic decisions regarding work, family and friends that will bring more balance and abundance into your days.

i look at this as a mantra for parenting. Life can get a little chaotic and it always serves me best to relax and deal with the situation at hand with a playful approach. And yes, of this I need steady reminders!!

This card is from the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue. Artwork is by Steve A. Roberts. Publisher: Hay House.

I am available for readings via Skype, FaceTime, email or phone. Please visit my Spreads & Pricing page to learn more about my readings and how to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Sending you peace, grace and love my friends! Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business!


Lucky Lucky Lisa

I have so many inspirational thoughts and memories from I Can Do It! Vancouver manifesting within me.  I really don’t know where I will begin sharing the themes, break throughs and wisdom from the conference with all of you.

Luckily I have some time to think about it.

Today I am re-packing my suit case for another spiritual adventure of love, meditation and spiritual awakening. I am off to Seattle with my sweet 7 year old along with some colleagues and their families to see Amma! This will be my third time and my daughter’s second time to Amma’s retreat.

For today I will share my “celebrity” photos from my weekend of I Can Do It! Vancouver and the Certified Angel Card Reader Program. I feel so blessed to be asked back by Doreen & Radleigh to help the students and assist them throughout the course for the second year in a row. Many exciting things are manifesting as a result of last weekend…..but that will have to wait for now as my suitcase is calling me. Until next week!

Seeing my friend & the creator of my beloved Angel Tarot deck for a mini reading on Sunday morning!

Seeing my friend & the creator of my beloved Angel Tarot deck for a mini reading on Sunday morning!

What a treat to have Robert Holden attend the Certified Angel Card Reader course on Monday!

What a treat to have Robert Holden attend the Certified Angel Card Reader course on Monday!

After a long day of work, Michael Robinson, Doreen Virtue, Precious, Radleigh Valentine and me!

After a long day of work, Michael Robinson, Doreen Virtue, Precious, Radleigh Valentine and me!

Blessings to you all and have a wonderful weekend. I will be high on life (again) & love. Namaste – Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!


I Can Do It – And So Can You!

I am all set for my third I Can Do It Conference here in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. I blog about this because after attending my first one two years back, I found the experience enlightening, transformation and clarifying in a way that exceeded my expectations and changed the course of my life. soul wisdom

I walked out of that theatre finally able to put words to my concept of God/source/universal love. And trust me, for this girl that was HUGE. I never bought into the bearded old man in the sky. It was a combination of speakers thoughts and my own beliefs coming together through themes in the conference that gave me the biggest “AHA” moment there is.

I embarked in a new direction of searching within rather than outward. Things have been interesting for the last two years to say the least, but I am in love with the direction my life is now going. There is a beauty in surrounding yourself with like minded beings who are essentially in your target market of kinship. So I head off to embrace my inner Goddess and all that she embodies.Lakshmi, Bright Future

So….if you are contemplating attending a conference, retreat or workshop, DO IT!!! Remember, if you are self employed you can write off a lot of the costs associated with attending so no more money excuses. You can network with like minded people, make some new soulful friendships and bask in the energy of positivity. These events are opportunities to expand on open hearted living and see how many people are out there with similar stories to your own.

I look forward to sharing take away quotes from the amazing line up of speakers including:

Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Bruce Lipton, Anita Moorjani, Robert Holden, Doreen Virtue, Joe DispenzaJames van Praagh, Alex Woodard, Sonia Choquette, Eric Pearl, Jim Kwik and John Pierre.

Here I am last year with Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Here I am last year with Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine


Oh and if that isn’t enough, I am volunteering for Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine on Monday at their Certified Angel Card Reader Certification Course. I did it last year and Radleigh asked me to come back again this year (woot woot, what a blessing & privilege to spend the day assisting those two earth angels) so off I go for three HUGE days of hanging with the heavies in the Hay House world of scientists, doctors, students of ACIM, inspiration speakers, cancer survivors and so much more. 

Whew, it will be like a spiritual laxative!!!!light_in_heart_rumi

Blessings to you all and have a wonderful weekend. I will be high on life & love. Namaste – Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!


Strength Comes From The Beauty Within


I enjoy the idea of true strength coming from a place of wisdom deep within. As I get older (and hopefully wiser), I find myself connecting to ideals of my youth that I thought I had shed many moons ago. Patience, integrity from people in positions of power, vitality & good health, compassion and let’s not forget forgiveness.

The STRENGTH card is not a card of brute strength and force but rather guides us to identify with the strength within. When you truly connect with your compassion, your faith (whatever that is), your kindness and your purpose you can let go of fear based feelings. This is your true strength, the ability to love and forgive.

The STRENGTH card is full of beautiful and subtle imagery. The doves flying low in the long grass and the single dove adorning the centre of her shield signify the importance of peace as one heads off to battle leaving all that feels familiar behind. Her shield and halo are a radiant purple, signifying compassion, sensitivity, understanding and power. The gigantic tiger she rides off to battle is a well recognized symbol of power and strength; the ultimate challenge is to recognize the importance of moderation. When our ego rises, we often feel the need for intensity and charging forward. This is counter-productive. It would serve our existence better to remember our true strength – compassion.

The rainbow represents a spiritual awakening as the light shines into the darkness. There is always hope no matter how dire a situation seems.

And the lovely AA Ariel represents this card, she is strongly connected to nature. She embodies our need for inner healing and manifestation.

As we enter an unprecedented time of increased global volatility in so many areas – religion, economics, food production, environmental sensitivities and child poverty – it is vital to embrace our softer sides. Your true strength lies in your ability to love, not fight.

When we open our hearts to love, we take a step down the path to happiness. Take a look at your own life and the situations where you can apply this inner strength over physical forces. 

Today’s card is from the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue: STRENGTH featuring Archangel Ariel. It is the 11th card on the journey of The Dreamer in the Major Arcana, symbolizing a pivotal time of growth.

Light & love, Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!

True Reflections

I felt inspired to write this post as so many of my clients are starting mirror work (as made famous by the remarkable Louise Hay) as part of their self care/get back on track/happier life plan. I didn’t realize it at the time I wrote this, but this is my 100th post. I think the title and the topic are perfect – how I love synchronicity!!

Do not underestimate the power & importance of eye contact, most especially with yourself. It is a gateway to connection. When is the last time you really stopped in front of the mirror and had an encouraging chit chat with yourself? You are the only person that will ALWAYS be there for you no matter what. I think a little extra TLC for this very important person in your life is in order.

Morning_AffirmationsSo the next time you pass a mirror, in the hall or after a trip to the lou, stop and pause there. For the first time just a good long look and a realization of what thoughts run through your mind will suffice. Are you making observations or judgements?  Do you appreciate how hard this person works, how much they give of themselves, how amazing their body is for doing all the things it does every single day to make YOUR life possible, or not so much? Are your thoughts kind, or not so much? Do you like what you see, or not so much?

Affirmations are life changing. Mirror work is life changing. Period.

It is a simple change and it costs nothing.

Get up in the morning and stop at the mirror before you hop in the shower. (This is so you skip all that mental spin thinking about what you have to do today, how tired you are and blah blah blah as you wake up under the hot spray of your shower head.) The affirmations provide a shift in thinking right from the get go.

Look in the mirror and say:

“Good morning beautiful. I am grateful for my warm bed & this roof over my head. I am so fortunate. Today is a great day. Today I smile more than I did yesterday. I love you.” Of course play around with this and make it your own, but it gives you an idea of the kind of prosperity thinking that comes with being grateful for what you have in your life right now. 

Quite a few of the beautiful people in my life don’t seem to see themselves as I do. This troubles me. Deeply. I hope you are not Mirrorone of them:)

I love the imagery of this card from Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Melissa & Doreen Virtue. You are a radiant, loving soul just the way you are. All that happiness, bliss and prosperity you search for is already inside you. This is a very good thing. You see you don’t have to go out into the world and DO anything. You simply need to look inside and shake off some cobwebs from your self image. Before you know it you will be winking at yourself in the mirror and saying, “You look foxy today gorgeous!”

If you can meditate in the morning that is best, but a few affirmations can lead to HUGE benefits in your life. Remember, only you can choose your thoughts and PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

My post today is inspired by my angel card reader community on Facebook. Thank you Radleigh Valentine for continuing my education and inspiring me with your passion and dedication to this community.

Light and love to you all. Thank you for stopping by. Lisa

A little shameless self promotion: Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourselfI post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!

Weekly Reading October 7th – 13th, 2013

Welcome to my weekly angel tarot reading. I am dedicating this reading to my father who passed away 5 years on October 7, 2008. 

This week brings messages on the importance of perspective, quiet contemplation and taking the time to absorb life’s lessons along the way. 

You are a beautiful bright light, always and forever. And remember, everyone on this planet has problems. You are no exception. No one is so special, or so good, or so enlightened to bypass them. It is the human experience after all.

The sweet ain’t sweet without the bitter baby. Appreciate the teachers & lessons that come into your life and the amazing places they transport you to.


On Monday we meet the Three of Fire. I have a special affinity for this card;  it speaks straight to my heart. Take a good look and absorb all the messages. Life is rich with abundance yet often our outlook is too bleak. We look at our future through a lens of fear while forgetting our nature. You must remember that guidance, support & a soft place to fall is never far away. How beautiful that divine support is. When we lose sight of our passions, cease feeling inspired and stop making time for our creative outlets, life can feel pretty bleak. Start the week off with an attitude adjustment in any areas where you are focusing on what is going wrong more than what is going right.Life_Experience_Tarot

On Wednesday we meet, Life Experience. This card is known as The Tower in more traditional decks. There are events in life that are game changers. Events that alter the way you look at everything, and while you may desperately wish to return to the way things were – you cannot. Some life experiences are elevating & invigorating while other are shocking. They leave us feeling like we are adrift at sea without a paddle.  

One of these events has happened for you & now you must take the appropriate time to let the importance of these changes sink in. You have been presented a divinely guided opportunity. This current of change is swift and you must embrace it; there is no going back.The_Hermit_Tarot

On Friday we meet The Hermit. Make this weekend a quiet one. Deep meditation, yoga class, writing in your journal, a nature walk, curling up with a cup of tea and a good book are all perfect activities for you. Many of us have trouble being alone and being quiet, going inside and just “being”. The harder that is for you, the more you actually need to do this. It is a vital connection on the pathway to long lasting happiness & enlightenment.

You have been through a lot and you need time to absorb it. Sometimes we forget in this age of instant gratification that some things will always take time. You would never plant a seed and expect a strong oak tree to grow by morning. Silence is a gift to your soul and your future. Now is the time to seize it!!

This card also emphasizes the wisdom your life experience has imparted on you. You may become someones mentor soon. Spirituality will be in the forefront right now – strong dreams, connections to past life memories, reflections on your true nature, esoteric concepts and more. It is your responsibility to share your knowledge – The Hermit does not hide in the cave. Rather he emerges from his cave on top of the mountain to teach the students who have made the pilgrimage to learn from the master.


This week’s cards are Angel Tarot, by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue.

If you are interested in a private reading click here. To book a Tarot Party at your home click here.

Until next time…peace, grace & love. Lisa

Weekly Tarot Reading For August 26 – September 1, 2013

As the week progresses you will find that projects are not moving forward as quickly as you would like; does it not make perfect sense to get away and enjoy the last few days of these glorious hot August nights? There is nothing to worry about. You have worked hard and it will pay off….just not this week. Be good to yourself, let go of your worries and relax…. in fact, the cards are telling you to take a vacation this week.

I am happy to be using the Angel Tarot cards this week and I LOVE that they are sending messages of summertime vibes and owning your power. I hope that after several months of reading my posts that you are aware of just how amazing and miraculous you are.Six_of_Air

Now lets get down to this weeks business. Although the Six of Air is a beautiful card it has an aura of sadness. Your past struggles have weighed you down.  Making changes at work, at home or in relationships has seemed daunting. Your confidence, purpose and in some cases even depression, have weighed you down. These feelings have kept you from making the necessary choices to alleviate your burdens. The flowing water dripping over the fallen tree indicates that you are about to take a leap of faith, you will feel a bit like you are jumping off a cliff.  This is the end of a challenging time for you and you are headed in the right direction!! When you embrace the fear and do something extraordinary you can change your vibrational energy. In one reading I did, this card indicated a job change into a field working with boats!

The moment is here to sail off to new shores & vantage points and guess who has come to fill you up with confidence to take this momentous journey? The Magician!!  He is a reminder that you have everything you need deep inside of you. That you behold the gifts to go after your dreams. I love that he has come to support you at a time when you need that extra boost of confidence.The_Magician

Do not allow fear based thoughts to penetrate your new direction as you overcome past challenges. This often happens as you break old habits; friends, family and co-workers can reject this new you and make you question your new behaviour, hobbies, career path, spirituality, etc. Stay the course!!

AA Raziel’s halo and robe are a rainbow, symbolizing a promise of hope as he stands in a field of lilies signifying his intention is pure. We are all trying our best in any given moment after all. The field of white lilies tell us that he is pure of heart. We can clearly see through the arch with all of the lush blooming red & pink flowers above and below it. This tells us no knowledge is secret and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Whatever new project you have been dreaming for yourself, wether it is gathering up the courage to talk to a love interest, to your boss about a new project or a raise, a home renovation or something else. You are wise and powerful and need to own it. Now is a good time to go for it! Just expect to wait a bit for any movement in the matter as per our next card…. the Seven of Earth

To cultivate true happiness you must be patient; nothing worth having is ever easy my friends.Seven_of_Earth

The Seven of Earth comes to tell you progress is at a standstill, but do not be deterred from your highest goals. Again we are asked to take a vacation (two cards telling you to get away, not a subtle hint!! lol). If you can’t take a traditional vacation then spend the week doing things that are restorative. Try a meditation or yoga challenge, plan to spend a fun day at the beach…something fun and out of the norm. 

A young fairy is visiting the wise old tree. She wants good news. Sometimes good news comes to us as it needs to rather than how we want it to. Seven branches hold coins of abundance at the end. These coins signify that although the seeds you have planted are not yet in bloom they are so excited to blossom into something beautiful & inspiring in due time! Everything you want is ahead of you, please be patient and have faith.  Show yourself kindness and acknowledge all that you have down to get to this point…it hasn’t been easy. Yes, you still have more work to do, but it will pay off. Release any negativity you are feeling towards this pause, it does not serve you well. 

This will be a wonderful week full of confidence building, relaxation, release and fond memories. Pack your bags, take a camera and turn your phone off!! It will all be waiting for you when you return. Be well, be kind and treat others the way you wish to be treated.

The Angel Tarot are created by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Peace, grace & love – Lisa

Weekly Tarot Reading August 5th – 11th, 2013

It feels wonderful to be back after a small hiatus from blogging. This week is full of hard work, hectic forward motion, loyal companions and great rewards! With both the Knight of Earth and the Page of Fire, don’t forget to be open to receive this good fortune as help is showing up for you. Your independence can operate as a double edged sword, so beware!!! Opportunity is in the air this week so give your independent streak a summer vacation and make some new alliances.


I love this card. The Knight of Earth screams trustworthiness, loyalty and friendship. I also love how this deck, Angel Tarot, has included “guardian angel” in the card description.  Someone is entering your life early in the week who will step it up for you in a big way, perhaps at work, socially or”behind-the-scenes”.  This lone knight sits astride his gentle steed. This horse is captivating and for me, she ( I think it is a strong well balanced female) absolutely steals the card! Her size is not intimidating and overbearing as with many noble steeds and her colour is a soft & gentle brown conveying masculinity, stability & peace. She looks at you with an inviting glance, beckoning you to come along for the ride. I want to jump into this card and see where this journey takes me! The horse has taken the Knight on a long journey through mountainous terrain, taking a moment to pause as a majestic wind swirls around them blowing out into the ravine. This wind is source energy and signifies that you are always supported & never alone. Eight_of_Fire

Mid week brings us the Eight of Fire, which I have written about before, you can read  about it here.  I have come to love seeing this card in my readings as it signifies a pivotal time of change, no matter what. Life will kick you in the butt when you don’t listen to the guidance that comes from your intuition/angels/source energy/God, call it whatever you are guided to.

The imagery in the card shows what first appears to be random currents of energy from the swords as they swirl about in every direction, yet they are all part of a divinely guided master plan. There is a flow and connection to the dragon headed & jewel encrusted wands. This is a high energy and high functioning card. The largest wand & dragon in the front represents the need to focus on one thing at a time while the large red ruby is the intense passion you are cultivating at this time. Your passion is at an all time high and intimately intwined with your tools of manifestation.

You have been dissatisfied with something of great significance in your life lately. Change is in the air and it CAN take you where you want to go. Don’t get distracted with all the different things going on. Continue to have quiet time where you can stay focused on the big picture and not let your ego run the show. Quiet time means many different things to many different people so meditate, go for a walk in nature, read a book or write in your journal – whatever fills up your soul and clears away all the chatter of life, smart phones and our minds.Page_of_Fire

I have also written about Page of Fire back in the spring when all I was pulling was Fire cards. Summertime is bringing a flow of creativity into your life and a major shift is occurring. Things are opening up for you at work right now.  Here with the Page of Fire, you can clearly see that you hold it “all” in the palm of your hand. And your dragon friend, who represents passion, creativity & life purpose, has got your back! I love how he is in a protective stance overlooking the horizon. The rainbow wings on the dragon represent hope of a new exciting opportunity. The white city in the background is a foundation of purity. As for the Page, she is staring you down in a way that you just know she means serious business. Don’t listen to all those excuses your ego loves to make like “it really isn’t such a good time for you to make a change like this” or “you really should wait until you….” – fill in the blank for yourself – you know what your negative self talk story is. It is time to break the chains – literally!! The Page of Fire is coming to you as an energetic force of nature supporting you and guiding you.

Take a moment and focus on her gaze, what feelings come about? Take a few moments to think about what you want to attract into your life right now and open your eyes to opportunities that may already be right in front of you. You can forge ahead with the excitement and confidence of this young Page.

If you meet someone or have recently met someone who resembles this description, embrace the relationship and trust your inner voice. We are being strongly supported to live a life that reflects our individual life purpose with everything in us. Please remember that the minor arcana signify changes in our day to day lives. We aren’t looking for HUGE, DRAMATIC changes like moving, relationships ending, etc. We are looking for connections to our core that ignite our passion so we can take on those major life changes when they DO present themselves. Then, and only then you can make decisions from your heart, leading you down the path to your life purpose.

After you read this post go and do something creative, something inspiring or call a friend who makes you feel that way and connect!

Thank you for joining me this week! The cards are drawn from the Angel Tarot, by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Blessings to you & have a wonderful week of inspiration & opportunity, Lisa!!!