Febraury 19, 2013 – Go For It!

Spread Your WingsToday’s card is from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Deck and it is: Spread Your Wings with AA Ariel.

As we move into the second half of February the intense change of 2013 continues at full steam ahead. This intensity seems applicable to everyone I encounter and this card is motivating, confidence building and love based.

Change, even when it is welcome, is a cause that has an unpredictable effect. This effect can blindside you. When change after change comes your way, it can be overwhelming. This card encourages all of us not to be intimidated by this change but rather to welcome it with open arms. Keep your focus on service, love and kindness. No matter what negativity enters your path, empower your inner dialogue to remain focused on your true intentions and do not give your power away.

Even though you have friends and family that love you &want the best for you, these changes to create a more authentic and happy life can be unsettling for them. This can lead to behaviours that feel unsupportive and unloving. Stay the course, SPREAD YOUR WINGS and remember we are all doing the best we can.

Archangel Ariel is a master manifestor and is greatly supportive of healers and people who work in service to others. She is what I think of as the environmental champion of the Archangels. So get outside and connect with nature to ground any negative or fear based thoughts you are having and re-focus your energies!

Light and love, Lisa

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