An Equality Movement is Definitely Underway!

I would like to disclose that I do not personally choose the card of the day based on my personal mood or as part of a strategy. I draw a card just as I would for a client, in peace & harmony with focused intention. When I shuffle the cards I feel as if they are talking to me energetically and I stop when I know I am meant to. Sooooo, now that I have that out of the way I must say that I love how this powerfully feminine card came up to completely counter the masculine energy of AA Michael in “Remember Who You Are” from my last post. Today we see Sekhmet – Be Strong from The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by the lovely and talented Doreen Virtue. They are both telling us to be strong and tap into our powerful being.

As you get in touch with your inner strength and your feminine nature, you can accomplish your life purpose and live a fulfilling and passionate Sekhmetexistence. Just look at her, she is so regal sitting there in her provocative purple gown perched in her throne seat adorned with lions on both arm rests. The key is to see yourself as strong while still being feminine. That means no negative talk – towards others or yourself, no complaining , no blaming or  playing the victim- that means NONE people. Sekmet means business and she is POWERFUL. The more you can focus on abundant thoughts for your career, family, home and love life, the more positive changes you will draw into your life. Remember, you are human and will have a whole gamut of feelings and thoughts, the message here is to guide yourself back to the highest vibrational thoughts you can when you find yourself going to the dark side;)

Sekhmet is an Egyptian sun goddess whose name means “strong & mighty”. She is associated with lions as they symbolize her intensely protective nature.The colours of gold and purple enhance her elegant, royal and loyal qualities. Even her crown is beyond regal, with the flames of the sun (power!), wing span of the bird of prey (power!) and don’t miss the all knowing eye on not only her crown but her necklace and earrings (more power!). This is such a great counter point to all the blues of AA Michael we saw earlier this week, these two are the yin yang of oracle card readings. Let no one walk all over you, and that includes yourself. I often find that people speak to themselves in a way that they would NEVER tolerate from another human being, so please do yourself the biggest favour and turn to loving thoughts as you tap into your personal power.

As we see pillars of our society  collapsing around the globe, this is a perfect time for society to build on feminine traits as key elements in business models. As the baby boomers are retiring and more women are either being promoted into powerful roles or living the entrepreneurial dream, the shift has begun. We can all embrace what makes “women” wonderful & powerful leaders in their lives. And yes, there are many sensitive and wonderful men who are in touch with their feminine qualities and this definitely applies to you too! Run with it!!

If you are feeling a bit down lately, unsure of yourself, dealing with conflict that has you wondering if you are in the wrong, Sekhmet is the perfect goddess to call on for an energy boost of self love, inner strength and girl power.She will help you to achieve your happy outcome!

Light & love, Lisa

Stand Your Ground

Stay Connected To Your Purpose

Stay Connected To Your Purpose

Recently you have extended yourself in a new direction, in an area that is important to you and you have found success. Congratulations!! However, this card is telling us that these new changes in your life have not been entirely well received by someone who is close to you.

As you encounter this opposition, do it with grace & understanding.   If you want others to accept this new side of you, then continue to feel assured in your accomplishments and know that you are on the right path. They will come around if they truly care about you. If they don’t come around, then perhaps you have outgrown them and need to re-examine their role in your life. In life, in order to make room for new experiences and people to enter our lives, we have to release something first.

We see the rainbow colours here as we did in The Strength & The Magician cards last week, representing so much hope for our situation as well as the promise of a positive outcome.  I see this series of rainbow images as a wonderful sign of great things ahead for all of us, we simply need to keep the faith.

The female in this card is smiling knowingly directly at you, as she knows no matter what you will face, you will overcome it!

Light & love, Lisa

Febraury 19, 2013 – Go For It!

Spread Your WingsToday’s card is from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Deck and it is: Spread Your Wings with AA Ariel.

As we move into the second half of February the intense change of 2013 continues at full steam ahead. This intensity seems applicable to everyone I encounter and this card is motivating, confidence building and love based.

Change, even when it is welcome, is a cause that has an unpredictable effect. This effect can blindside you. When change after change comes your way, it can be overwhelming. This card encourages all of us not to be intimidated by this change but rather to welcome it with open arms. Keep your focus on service, love and kindness. No matter what negativity enters your path, empower your inner dialogue to remain focused on your true intentions and do not give your power away.

Even though you have friends and family that love you &want the best for you, these changes to create a more authentic and happy life can be unsettling for them. This can lead to behaviours that feel unsupportive and unloving. Stay the course, SPREAD YOUR WINGS and remember we are all doing the best we can.

Archangel Ariel is a master manifestor and is greatly supportive of healers and people who work in service to others. She is what I think of as the environmental champion of the Archangels. So get outside and connect with nature to ground any negative or fear based thoughts you are having and re-focus your energies!

Light and love, Lisa