Easier Said Than Done, How To Lose What You Don’t Love

Here we are for week four of my series on living a life that you love.

If you missed the first three tips, click here for Tip #1on re-kindling you creativity and profits, here for Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost and here for Tip #3 on getting started when you are ready to take the plunge into organizing your physical and digital worlds.

I don’t know about you, but I love, love love to throw things out. Ever since I had kids and the stuff that came along with them bombarded my living space, I have truly embraced the bliss of exposing my inner hoarder.

I have been to the pulpit and made a full confession, as the guilty party who brought all that stuff into our home. Amen and hallelujah! I take accountability for my behaviour, and have taken a vow to change my ways. And meanwhile, other areas of my life became cluttered and disorganized including what is commonly referred to as mommy brain. Happy Boxes, life coach, entrepreneur, success, action, reality, Lisa van Reeuwyk, Bloom Lisa, bloomlisa.com, organized Feng shui, innovative organization, enhanced productivity, call it whatever term moves you deep within your soul. Just throw out that dusty old relic! Donate those fat pants you haven’t worn in years! Pay forward all those amazing books you know you will never read again!Photo 2015-10-12, 9 14 46 AM

When we put our energy into the good thing, we create more of it. Like attracts like. They key is to visualize your work and your life exactly as you wish it were. When you visualize your desires, it draws more energy into the desire and momentum builds. Your creativity is ignited and your intention become crystal clear.

This process make it easier to clear out your space and really gut your dusty old belongings. There is no room for sentimentalism here. I have personally had to release old family heirlooms that I inherited that sat in a storage room, year after year with absolutely no chance of ever coming out to see the light of day. As you lose what you don’t love, you create space for something better. Much, much better.

As you go through your belongings, you will find treasures from days gone by; let them spark your imagination. Why did you buy that dusty guitar all those years ago? Perhaps it is time to sign up for some lessons. What about that old squash racket? Find a new partner and get back on the court.

Our old belongings can remind us that we have forgotten about essential pieces of ourselves as we got busy making a name for ourselves in life and love.

So surround yourself with the best of the best; this goes for decor, furniture and people. Let your desire for a life that you love guide you as you love it or lose it.

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me today.
Live life in full bloom. 

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When you talk, I’ll listen.twitter_header_shot

Clearing Your Space

As much as I love shopping, I love throwing stuff out even more! This means when I hit the wall with toys on the floor or a closet full of clothes that I don’t want to wear or a drawer that won’t open due to the sheer volume of stuff inside – I donate, pay forward or recycle the things which no longer serve a positive purpose in our life.different copy

It is easy to hold onto keep sakes from our past, inheritances from relatives, the daily mail pile up, artwork from daycare, those just in case I ever put the weight back on clothes and the just in case I ever look like I did before having kids clothes, friends that drag us down but have been with us for years and worries that keep our mind from focusing on our best life. I have written more on living your best life in my last post and it is worth a read.

We all know that when we have clutter in our minds, work space and homes it becomes a life force. We extend energy on the “stuff” that becomes unavailable for our higher pursuits.

I challenge you to clean up one space this weekend. It could be your desk, a drawer or a relationship. Un-friend those folks on your Facebook page that drive you wild posting their every movement clogging up your feed or say no to an invitation that you really want to say no to but feel obligated to say yes. Some people have so much stuff that they pay money every month to store it in a storage facility. Think of how good it will feel to donate some of your stuff to people who really need it like a support group for teen moms, a single parent in your community, war veterans or anywhere that resonates with your heart.

It will feel so good that I would bet money that you will move onto another space as you are riding high on the good vibes! ClearYourSpace

Did I mention that you will make room for new energies to come in? Yes, this is key and a wonderful benefit of clearing space in your life. Just be sure not to replace everything you just cleared away. Allow the chi to flow for a while and raise your energy with good news. When I practice Feng Shui and clear out the Wealth and Prosperity corner in my house and place red objects there I will get a new client or find some money in my house within 24 hours.


Find some systems that work for organizing the items you want to keep and follow a simple rule for any item you will keep: You must love it or it must go. No matter who gave it you or how much it cost, once again it is all about the LOVE!BloomLisa_Bubbles


Photo credits: #1 – Google Images  #2 – Archangel Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue and Hay House Publishing Photo #3: Happy Boxes Project by Lisa and Richard van Reeuwyk.

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page to get your daily dose of my new “Happy Boxes”, a co-creation of affirmations and quotes paired with my husband’s beautiful photography. Or here for my Twitter and Pinterest accounts.  I am so grateful for your support and do make it a habit to support those who support me.

Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business! Namaste _/|\_ Lisaquarter_ad_ScSh_2014



February 27 – Strength! Bring Your Softer Side To Battle With You!

Strength_Angel_TarotToday’s card is from the Angel Tarot Deck by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue: STRENGTH featuring Archangel Ariel. It is the 11th card on the journey of The Dreamer in the Major Arcana, symbolizing a pivotal time of growth.

There have been a series of messages from our cards in recent weeks, telling us to trust our inner wisdom and today is no different. The STRENGTH card is not a card of brute strength and force but rather guides us to identify with the strength within. When you truly connect with your compassion, your faith (whatever that is), your kindness and your purpose you can let go of fear based feelings. This is your true strength, the ability to love and forgive.

The STRENGTH card is full of beautiful and subtle imagery. The doves flying low in the long grass and the single dove adorning the centre of her shield signify the importance of peace as one heads off to battle leaving all that feels familiar behind. Her shield and halo are a radiant purple, signifying compassion, sensitivity, understanding and power. The gigantic tiger she rides off to battle is a well recognized symbol of power and strength; the ultimate challenge is to recognize the importance of moderation. When our ego rises and we feel the need for intensity and charging forward, we must remember our true strength – compassion.

The rainbow represents a spiritual awakening as the light shines into the darkness. There is always hope no matter how dire a situation seems.

And the lovely AA Ariel is back again also, she is strongly connected to nature. She represents our need for inner healing and manifestation.

As we enter an unprecedented time of increased global volatility in so many areas – religion, economics, food production, environmental sensitivities and child poverty – it is vital to embrace our softer sides. Your true strength lies in your ability to love, not fight.

When we open our hearts to love, we take a step down the path to happiness.

Light and love, Lisa

Febraury 19, 2013 – Go For It!

Spread Your WingsToday’s card is from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Deck and it is: Spread Your Wings with AA Ariel.

As we move into the second half of February the intense change of 2013 continues at full steam ahead. This intensity seems applicable to everyone I encounter and this card is motivating, confidence building and love based.

Change, even when it is welcome, is a cause that has an unpredictable effect. This effect can blindside you. When change after change comes your way, it can be overwhelming. This card encourages all of us not to be intimidated by this change but rather to welcome it with open arms. Keep your focus on service, love and kindness. No matter what negativity enters your path, empower your inner dialogue to remain focused on your true intentions and do not give your power away.

Even though you have friends and family that love you &want the best for you, these changes to create a more authentic and happy life can be unsettling for them. This can lead to behaviours that feel unsupportive and unloving. Stay the course, SPREAD YOUR WINGS and remember we are all doing the best we can.

Archangel Ariel is a master manifestor and is greatly supportive of healers and people who work in service to others. She is what I think of as the environmental champion of the Archangels. So get outside and connect with nature to ground any negative or fear based thoughts you are having and re-focus your energies!

Light and love, Lisa