April 8, 2013 – More Than Spring is in Bloom

As daffodils open their brilliant yellow petals to say hello to the warm kiss of spring,  you too are having a “bloom” of energy. For this post I am using Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters deck and we have Fertility – Pan, such a timely card it brings a smile to my face.Pan_Fertility_Ascended_Masters

Perhaps you are looking at conceiving a baby or perhaps a new inspiring project, either way this is a blessed time for conception. You pair this card with my last post –  Page of Fire and I would say we have a very strong case for passion, fertility and life purpose! I mean really, how can I be anything but over the moon at these cards I am pulling for you people! The cards want you to listen to you inner wisdom, stay in tune with your passions and all the while divine guidance is saying this is a time of lavish abundance to bring your projects to fruition. What are you waiting for?!?!

Pan is nestled into the countryside overlooking a panorama of natural abundance. As a symbol of this lavish abundance we see blooming flowers and a winding river set against a backdrop of rich green rolling hills. There is a free spirited young girl dancing without a care in the world to the enchanting melody of the “panpipe”.  Her white gown and the white flowers represent innocence and purity. The white iris is known for its ability to detox your system of old energies and emotions. It allows you to release what no longer serves you. This card is like the Ace of Fire in the Tarot, telling you that you have the Midas touch right now. This message is strongly represented in the gold tones of this card. Now is the perfect time to let go of your worries, follow the guidance of the law of attraction and await some great news!

If you are not familiar with Pan, he is an ancient Greek deity. Pan is linked to the root of the word “panic” as he was said to be so frightful to gaze upon that you would run away in fear like as would a gazelle from a lioness. As the story goes, Pan fell in love at first sight with a wood nymph, Syrinx who was terrified of him. She asked water nymphs for help one day when Pan chased her and they swiftly turned him into willow reeds. As Pan yelled for help the reeds played a lilting melody & when he was transformed back into his original form he made a musical instrument from the reeds which is now known as the “panpipe”. He is called upon for assistance with issues in nature, mirth, music and fertility.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! Love & light, Lisa

March 20, 2013: All That Change You Say You Want in Your Life, Well Here it Comes Sunshine!!

Stay Focused!

Congratulations, what a wonderful card to get! Eight of Fire is telling us life is going to take off. I find it pretty amazing that this card comes to us on the day of our Spring Equinox. A day where we are launched into the season of new beginnings and new life erupting at every turn.

The last time I pulled from the Angel Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue, we saw the Seven of Fire and now here we are one step further down the path. You have armoured yourself with courage as you have gone to bat with friends and foe alike as you embrace a more authentic version of yourself. Here we are mid March and the momentum of all the little tweaks & changes now have a snowball effect. If you have been thinking that a little break in the rapid current of change was in order, I am sorry to disappoint you, the flames are rising and the heat is on!

If you are one of those people (and there are many of you I know!) who isn’t a big fan of change then this card may be overwhelming. But whether you embrace it or reject it, 2013 is a tremendous period of change here on planet earth.

For those of you who have been working diligently on new business plans, considering a significant life change or taking it slow with a new love interest, the time has come for a giant leap towards the next level. It is coming whether you like it or not so please wrap your head around the idea!

The imagery in the card shows what first appears to be random currents of energy from the swords as they swirl about in every direction, yet they are all part of a divinely guided master plan. There is a flow and connection to the dragon headed & jewel encrusted wands. This is a high energy and high functioning card. The largest wand & dragon in the front represents the need to focus on one thing at a time while the large red ruby is the intense passion you are cultivating at this time. Your passion is at an all time high and intimately intwined with your tools of manifestation.

You have been dissatisfied with something of great significance in your life lately.  Change is in the air and it CAN take you where you want to go. Don’t get distracted with all the different things going on. Continue to have quiet time where you can stay focused on the big picture and not let your ego run the show. Quiet time means many different things to many different people so meditate, go for a walk in nature, read a book or write in your journal – whatever fills up your soul and clears away all the chatter of life, smart phones and our minds.

This suit is one of passion, creativity and risk taking and the Eight of Fire is the height of all of that. It is telling you that all delays are over. It is time as they say to “have the baby”. It is coming one way or the other so let go of your fear and go after your dreams!!

Light & love, Lisa

Febraury 19, 2013 – Go For It!

Spread Your WingsToday’s card is from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Deck and it is: Spread Your Wings with AA Ariel.

As we move into the second half of February the intense change of 2013 continues at full steam ahead. This intensity seems applicable to everyone I encounter and this card is motivating, confidence building and love based.

Change, even when it is welcome, is a cause that has an unpredictable effect. This effect can blindside you. When change after change comes your way, it can be overwhelming. This card encourages all of us not to be intimidated by this change but rather to welcome it with open arms. Keep your focus on service, love and kindness. No matter what negativity enters your path, empower your inner dialogue to remain focused on your true intentions and do not give your power away.

Even though you have friends and family that love you &want the best for you, these changes to create a more authentic and happy life can be unsettling for them. This can lead to behaviours that feel unsupportive and unloving. Stay the course, SPREAD YOUR WINGS and remember we are all doing the best we can.

Archangel Ariel is a master manifestor and is greatly supportive of healers and people who work in service to others. She is what I think of as the environmental champion of the Archangels. So get outside and connect with nature to ground any negative or fear based thoughts you are having and re-focus your energies!

Light and love, Lisa

January 18 – Go Outside

The card of the day is from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck. Today we have Cordelia – Go Outside.

Earlier this week our angels recommended that we spend time near the water and today ascended master Cordelia wants us to – GO OUTSIDE. For some of you, with all this cold winter weather you are bundled up indoors most of the day, or with the shortened day light hours of January you just aren’t making it a priority to get outside and breath in some fresh air and connect with nature. For some of you with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) you are suffering indoors and you need to get out! Being indoors is not our natural state so do yourself and your friends & family a favour and inhale some glorious fresh air! Either way you will benefit from a little time in nature. Go for a walk, plan a hike, enjoy some winter sports or just take a 5 minute break from work and pop outside for a little rejuvenation.

Try to make it a daily priority to get some fresh air and call on Cordelia to bring some new “blooms” into your life. Weather a new plant or a new relationship, romantic or otherwise – going out and connecting could make your indoor time a whole lot cozier!!

Light & love my friendsImage