Have More Fun

A visit with the ancient art of tarot reminds us to have more fun. After all, a playful approach is the most effective one!Two_of_Earth

In the Two of Earth from the Angel Tarot, this red headed woodland fairy is juggling too many balls. Not only is she adrift but she is unaware that she is on a collision course that will stop her in her tracks. Even though she is blessed with abundance, the chaos of her life is setting her up for a big disappointment. Sound familiar?

When you continually manifest new experiences in your life by creating change and being productive, it is easy to lose balance and feel overwhelmed.  Sometimes it becomes the new normal and people live their lives in a state of disconnection. Now is the time to connect with your playful side and approach your life with a sense of fun and light-heartedness.

I love that saying you know the truth when you hear it. It certainly rings true for me that when you lighten up, the pieces of life have a way of falling into place effortlessly.

The artwork is bright and playful, adorned with a rainbow of hope across the sky. Her bright red hair symbolizes passion, strength and energy while her face & body language tell a different tale. You have all the wisdom and strength within you already but you have too much going on to recognize this!

Decisions need to be made right now regarding your life; don’t let it overwhelm you. As the card says, “Consider a more playful approach” as you create your strategy. Do something silly “just because” and embrace your inner child! Remember, you have been feeling overwhelmed so any decisions you are making should alleviate the burden, not add to it. Trust your intuition.

So take a few calming breaths, put a smile on your face and do something fun right now. Then in the spirit of fun, make some strategic decisions regarding work, family and friends that will bring more balance and abundance into your days.

i look at this as a mantra for parenting. Life can get a little chaotic and it always serves me best to relax and deal with the situation at hand with a playful approach. And yes, of this I need steady reminders!!

This card is from the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue. Artwork is by Steve A. Roberts. Publisher: Hay House.

I am available for readings via Skype, FaceTime, email or phone. Please visit my Spreads & Pricing page to learn more about my readings and how to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Sending you peace, grace and love my friends! Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business!


The Signs Are All Around You, The Magic is in The Details

Today I explore a card on personal power & focused intention. Life is full of distractions which makes staying focused and on track a challenge. As you go out into the world and start your day, have fun, speak your truth with love and remember that you ARE very powerful! This is a playful & complimentary card to the theme of focused intention this week on my Facebook Page.

You've_Got_The_PowerThe artwork evokes thoughts of how children grab life by its coat tails. Kids live wholeheartedly, laughing & crying out loud as they bump & grind their way down the winding path of life. It is a joy to observe young kids who sing & dance in public without a care in the world. So beautiful.

We meet the ladybug, mouse, butterfly and dragonfly to cheer you on in your mission of whole hearted living. These animals are important signs in your journey. Think of them like positive affirmations that show up in your life to keep you on track.

When a ladybug appears in your life, although it is tiny, it is something we all take notice of. Joy can be found in the small stuff and the ladybug is asking you to take notice of the details. Try paying forward some good energy in the form of a compliment, such a small thing can have a HUGE impact. You could take a nature walk and enjoy your surroundings as you pause to use your five senses to take in the amazing world around you. You can take a moment to gaze into your partners eyes and notice the beauty of your connection. 

Our little mouse friend is similar to the ladybug as she tells us our success hinges on the details. Don’t put all your focus on the big picture right now as neglecting the details will hold you back.

We all know the life cycle of the caterpillar into the butterfly; it is an iconic message of transformation. When a butterfly shows up changes are a-comin’. Your potential is off the charts so keep the faith and stay the course. Now is not the time to be a caterpillar. After all, You’ve Got The Power.

The dragonfly has similar meanings to that of the butterfly with messages of transformation and emotional growth but conveys a deeper spiritual meaning. As part of your transformation, remember that life has cycles. Life has changed dramatically in the last 100 years, and it has changed so dramatically in the last five years with the viral invasion of mobile technology. Life on earth continues to follow cycles (moon, energy, body) even if urban life does not. It serves you well to remember you should not be operating at full capacity 24/7. Honour the cycles in your body and in the world around you. Transformation & emotional growth also take time. think of the classic story of The Tortoise & The Hare and enjoy the ride.

When an animal keeps popping up around you take notice, it is a message for you. It can take the form of a live animal, images, patterns, stories, etc.

The card You’ve Got the Power is from Magical Messages From The Fairies by Doreen Virtue. Publisher: Hay House.

Be well and blessings to you! namaste – Lisa

Get Outside & Boost Your Spirits

Today I invite you to dive deeply into your connection with nature. 

The signs have been coming fast & furious that in order to tap into new inspiration and creativity we must all remember to go outside. Too cold for you? Too rainy & windy? Then get creative and bring some nature indoors. Buy some new plants for your living space and bedside table. Arrange some crystals to amplify your motivation, creativity and focus. No excuses.Connect_With_Nature_Fairies

Being in nature boosts our connection to source energy. This is where we can tap into joy which doesn’t end, real joy. If you are reading this post then you know what I am speaking about. That place of peace & bliss you find in a deep meditation or when you are living in your heart completely detached from your ego and all of its entrapments.

This card is lush and green, bursting with the healing energy of nature. Her eyes are filled with wonder as she spots a butterfly flying towards her. The butterfly represents powerful transformation and that is exactly what will happen for you when you take this advice! Her wings are spotted with the colours of the rainbow symbolizing the hope that comes when we have faith in the healing power of nature. If temperature permits where you are at the moment, or bookmark this idea in your brain for when it warms up, take off your shoes and allow your feet to connect with earth/sand/mother nature for at least 10 minutes each day. You can thank me later:)

Some of you (like me) suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It can wreak havoc on your productivity and moods over the winter months if you live in a place with plenty of overcast and dreary days. Keep all the lights on indoors and please make an effort to get outside each and every day for as long as you can. Go for a walk on your lunch at work, park a little farther away so you maximize your time in the fresh air & natural light or even sip your hot tea on a bench for a few minutes and take in the world around you from the softer viewpoint of “connection”.

This card is from Magical Messages From The Fairies by Doreen Virtue. Publisher: Hay House

Blessings to each of you and have a wonderful week! Might I add it feels really great to blog about my beautiful cards again! It seems like a shift is the air once again on the tides of life.


For fun I added a photo of my daughter and I connecting with nature and the joy that comes with it! Fun times!

Namaste – Lisa

A little shameless self promotion: Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!

Weekly Reading September 30th – October 6th, 2013

This week we begin a new month full of coats and scarves and hot mugs of tea. We say hello to familiar friends like cozy sweaters, our favourite pair of boots and a soft throw blanket as we curl up on the sofa to enjoy a good read.

The cards this week indicate a solitary time where you move past last week’s healing into a new phase of action. It is vital that you care for your soul as you prepare to make a huge life change in leaving a toxic situation. The cards ask you to surround yourself with items that emit a strong life source such as flowers & plants. They also ask you to fully embrace a journey that enhances your soul purpose. 

I have begun posting support cards on my Facebook page throughout the week in conjunction with the weekly readings. Please Like my page to get enhance your experience by clicking HERE!! in the sidebar. Blessings to you for your continued support!Travel_Fairies

The Travel card is full of the richness & regality of purple hues paired with the prosperity of the message! A buck’s antlers are a sign of good health. Most male deer drop their antlers seasonally and when they grow back, if their diet is bountiful, then their antlers grow larger with more points. Here in the Travel card we see clearly how the results of a healthy diet & good health “light the way” through the darkness. The fairy is radiating an angelic light through her crown chakra which lights her wand. Her hair, the flower arrangements, the lush forests all represent the abundance awaiting you on the journey ahead.

We can take this card literally of course, but for many of you it is describing a process, such as completion of a challenging new project at work or taking on a fear that has been holding you back. This “journey” will expand your understanding of your life’s purpose. Enjoy each moment and set a clear intention that abundance is always available to you.  In fact, it is our natural state! This abundance will take care of any logistical or financial challenges that present themselves around your adventure. So go out there, keep the faith & have some fun.Flower_Power

Now that Autumn has officially arrived, you are reminded to bring some of summertimes gifts into your home by Flower Power. The benefit of plants in your life can not be underestimated.  A bouquet of flowers, an orchid perhaps, a diffuser with some organic essential oils, time at the plant shop, a nature walk or even creating a craft using dried flowers are all of HUGE benefit for your right now. Even better, give a gift of flowers to brighten someone’s day at the same time! The card depicts a young girl & feels like springtime. This represents rejuvenation  You are battling a toxic situation and the beauty and energy of nature are of vital importance.Walk_Away_Fairies

Walk Away. Despite her obvious pain & haunting eyes, this card is full of healing green, feminine pinks and cheerful hues. You have been contemplating cutting the chords to this situation for sometime…..and the time to act is here. This relationship has been taxing your health & this has to stop. It isn’t fair to you or the people you care about to continue on this way. Just like this fairy, you can break free of the chains that bind you and turn into a virtual forest of abundance and fertility. A nurturing place that fosters your dreams & hopes. See how she has vines wrapped around her? They have crept so slowly up and around her, just as our toxic relationship do, that you haven’t realized the prison going up around you. Fortunately, the bars are created by your ego and can easily be broken when you set your mind to it. 

But first, you must walk away. No more excuses or believing that the health/money/emotional issues in your life are not related to this relationship (personal or professional). Listen to your intuition. When you take a step toward the universe, it WILL take a step towards you. Remember that the world IS an abundant place and you will have everything you need to not only survive but to THRIVE!!

This week I have been guided to use Magical Messages From Your Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Publisher: Hay House

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please remember that you already have everything you need inside of you! Lisa



Positive Changes Are Blooming at Work

I see this card and I smile. We started off the year with so many fire sign cards signifying your need and ability to be creative & find more purpose in your life. This weeks reading tells of a time of wishes coming true and the generosity you cultivate in your life in Weekly Tarot Reading July 22nd – 28th, 2013. And today I have pulled, New Career, from a sweet little deck by the lovely and talented Doreen Virtue – Magical Messages From The Fairies. Artwork by Marius Michael-GeorgeNew_Career

The imagery on this card tells a very positive and evocative tale. As things change for you, just as in this card, you have a brilliant glowing energy radiating from your throat chakra, the centre of communication. This fairy is angelic with gigantic wings of rainbow light as though they are simply radiant energy rather than actual matter. This signifies a hopeful future in your new direction with your work. You have risen up out of the whirlpool that has been holding you back causing suffering in so many different areas of your life. The stress can be overwhelming and ubiquitous. She is raising her hands up to the skies releasing all that has weighed her down. You have overcome the storm and are now ready for a bright new chapter. A brilliant gold and diamond “snowflake-like” rises above her. This beacon of light is so bright in the card that you cannot even look at it, this is representative of the life source that is available to all of us.

You may be resolving a tense situation at work, leaving to start a new job or embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture.

Be sure to keep your thoughts positive as you embrace these upcoming changes. As we step out of our comfort zone, we have a tendency to revert to old “comforting” habits. Remember that these no longer serve you and these feeling of “fear” are healthy. You must learn how to harness them and use them as fuel to pursue your dreams. Staying in your comfort zone only leads to more of the same old thing. Congratulations!

Have a wonderful day! Enjoy your summer each and every day. Namaste, Lisa

Weekly Tarot Reading July 22nd – 28th, 2013

A week of all weeks is ahead of you. After some very hard work, both at the office and with your soul, you are now successfully manifesting your dreams.

This week is balanced which I love. I prefer to see you staying in the middle range of emotions rather than taking a roller coaster ride through the highs and lows. These three cards tell me you are doing good work with your meditations & releasing that wich no longer serves you. You have made room for exciting new opportunities to come into your life. You have been hard at work embracing your purpose as we start the week off with The Chariot featuring Archangel Metatron. We then see one of the best cards in the entire deck, Nine of Water. When a card says, “Your wishes come true!” it really doesn’t get any better than that. The third card Six of Earth, is a strong & high energy partner for Nine of Water.The_Chariot

The Chariot  is telling us that through your discipline, fairness and hard work you have reached a higher vibration. Often, when you feel stuck in a situation that you wish to leave, your energy vibration is very low. Your efforts have raised you up to a place where you can finally achieve your desires. You have moved past this rut with dedication and a strong resolve. The black & white stallions are charging forward as are you, pulling AA Metatron in his chariot adorned with Metatron’s cube. Some believe that studying this cube reveals the tree of life. He rides past the full moon, signifying that a new time is about to begin for you….and guess who is coming next!!!!Nine_of_Water

As the week progresses a definitive sign relays some excellent news to you in the Nine of Water. Take a good look at the card, leave a comment if you notice anything particularly interesting about the mermaid!! Everything about this card feels wonderful and you have shed your past worries and are allowing the light to seep into every corner of your life now. Enjoy this very special and happy time!!Six_of_Earth

Not that this wasn’t good enough news, we meet the Six of Earth who tells us we are receiving some gifts of abundance. These two cards come to us this week as a strong pair of abundance. This card is bright with greens signifying your growth. The scales are over flowing with coins, yet remain in balance. This balance is pivotal to your success and happiness right now.

I will keep this week’s reading to the point. so we can all get back out into the garden, the beach, the surf, the campground, the next sunny adventure or all of the above!!!

This week I am using the rich and highly detailed cards, Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Enjoy this wonderful week! Love & light to you all and thank you so much for stopping by my little blog. Namaste, Lisa

Weekly Reading for June 17th – 23rd, 2013

This coming week brings about deep reflection, connection to self and the manifestation of your desires. There is a very healing and feminine energy dominating the cards this week. Last week you released some old baggage so that you could begin a deep soulful connection. This week’s message is reminding you to stay true to yourself as you begin to intimately connect with another soul. I have decided to shake up the weekly reading and use my very inspiring Oracle Cards by the lovely and talented Doreen Virtue – Magical Messages from the Fairies.express_individuality_fairies

We begin the week with Express Your Individuality. We see a strong willed woman dressed in the power colour of purple looking up at the sky with confidence. I feel she is thinking, “The sky is the limit for me, bring it on!”. The little dog at her ankle reminds us that we are never alone and that we are always loved. Monday and Tuesday are days to really show up to the situations that present themselves in your life. You have been worrying lately about what someone thinks of you and it is time to stop!! Please embrace the idea that when it comes to opinions of you – you are the only one who counts. In the end, as in the END of this round… no one else’s opinion will mean squat to you!! Do something that you love, wear something that you love, create something that you love or listen to something that you love….or even better….do all of the above!! spring_fairies

Midweek, we see the harmonious, angelic and gentle beauty of the Spring card. Take a moment to look at this card and pay attention to how you feel. The artwork of this card makes it one of my favourites in this deck; it is so comforting, fresh & stimulating. There is a radiant light shining towards the sweet little fairy from the newly transformed butterfly. The butterfly is infusing this angelic little one with amazing manifestation powers. As you have been working hard at manifesting your truest desires this card is here to tell you it is paying off! Spring is turning into summer and as the flowers bloom, so are your desires. When you put 100% of your focus, energy and faith into something you too can transform your life into something as beautiful as this butterfly. As with the seasons, this card signifies a time of change. You can spring clean, feel increased fertility, plant a garden or blossom into a new life role. Each flower has symbolic meaning: pansies open up your third eye, the gently budding rose bush signifies the abundance you have manifested and the predominant image of the peony represents healing love & energy. Enjoy this time..especially after the courage you displayed the last two days expressing your true self!! I love it.fairies_forgive

For the weekend we need to open our hearts again, just like last week with Release it looks like there is some residual pain lingering in your mind and here is Whom Do You Need to Forgive. As you manifest your desires you really need to put an end to the “bad guys” renting space in your head….for FREE!  Let it go for your own sake. The imagery here is soft and angelic and just as in the Spring card we see this transformative healing light. You can try several things here to find peace. You can write a letter that you either send or burn (both bring about significant release depending on who you are & your healing style). You can go outside into nature and say a prayer for forgiveness and release. Do a visualization meditation where you imagine the radiant, healing light as you see in the cards coming towards you, surrounding yourself like the chrysalid of a butterfly. Next, feel this radiant light flowing through your chakras. As it moves its way from your Root Chakra up through to your Crown Chakra, feel the light evaporating the anxiety, tension and stress, releasing it for good. See it rushing out of your Crown Chakra up into the skies, rushing out of you with great force and velocity. Goodbye!!! Visualization exercises can be your best friend.

So…you have some work to do this week but you also have the amazing power of your manifestations creating a better life for you! It is through our greatest challenges that we reap the sweetest rewards after all.

Thanks for joining me here on my page. It really has become so near and dear to my heart. This is a page for caring and sharing and I appreciate all the Likes and Comments that are left behind on your journey. Have an amazing week of self discovery and release. Light & love, Lisa!

Please visit my Spreads & Pricing page if you are interested in a private reading.

Weekly Reading for May 20th – 26th, 2013

The cards the the week of May 20-26, 2013 are all about taking it easy, creating windows of quiet time to reflect on your current situations and spending time with your favourite people.


We begin the week with the Four of Air from the suit of intellect. Trust yours. The imagery of this card emotes feelings of exhaustion, concern and sadness. The colour scheme is stark and simple. There has been a lot going on lately and Monday & Tuesday are the perfect days to remove yourself from any chaos and find a quiet place where you can go and think without interruption and even get some much needed rest. Yes, I know Monday & Tuesday are action packed for most of us and that is exactly why the cards are asking you to ease up. This could mean closing the door to your office for a couple of hours to avoid unwanted distractions, going to bed earlier than usual, planning a trip or taking a break during the work day on a bench outside in the fresh air. With all the change going on recently, be sure to pause and take sufficient time to reflect on what it is you truly want before you make any big decisions. Ask yourself what is best for all parties involved and take some time to manifest your highest intentions. Don’t over think it, just take it easy, go inside and the answers will come to you. The three concerned unicorns watching over you represent the family & friends in your life. Yes, they are concerned about you right now. Please trust that you have people who love you and have your back!


Midweek we meet one of my favourite cards in the entire deck, the colourful, engaging & successful Page of Earth. The Page of Earth enters your life right when you really need her. You have been feeling a little overextended lately and her energy, enthusiasm and ability to create positive change is just what you need to shift back on course. She can enter your life either as a person who embodies the qualities of success, patience, dependability & intelligence or perhaps you will receive some really good news about money midweek. For some of you the Page of Earth represents a new area of study, which makes perfect sense to me. So many of you are dissatisfied with your jobs; if you are considering an online class or a night course this is a sign for you to take action.
This card is so rich and symbolic. There are four colourful butterflies speeding off in new directions after their recent transformation, ready & excited to start their new lives. The sky is thick with twinkling stars not only all over the night sky but she has harnessed their power on her wrist! Stars offer guidance and hope, as does the Page of Earth. As you look through the card, it is so dense and rich with flowers, branches, stars, butterflies and magic. She stares directly into you, she can see into the depth of your soul. She knows who you are and what you are capable of and wants to lead you down the path to get you there.
We end the week off with a familiar face, the Queen of Earth. She came to us two weeks ago for the weekend as well. It is so important that you make time for your loved ones right now. Here is the excerpt from week of May 6-12th, 2013:

Friday, Saturday & Sunday bring about a nice break from your hectic and exciting week. Make time for your friends and family and be sure to decompress from all the work energies you have had. Bring your kind side to any family issues that surface this weekend. Your commanding energy flows into the weekend with the Queen of Earth. You can continue to cultivate your heart’s desire here. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be thoughtful. Don’t let your ego get to ramped up from your accomplishments of this past week as they are just a part of the journey. You must also be sensible and down to earth. 

She is back to let you know that you that you can have it all, you are so powerful at manifesting your destiny, but money and work alone will not make you happy if you don’t have someone to share it with. The Page and Queen of Earth are here together as a super duo of the earth court suit as the two ladies who reside there. This sign represents all things to do with living on the earth such as our health, environmental issues, creating wealth, our homes and education. Be kind, be thoughtful and connect with your “feminine” strengths. Women are hard workers, compassionate, warm sweet, patient and sensible. Bring all these traits to the table this weekend and watch your life fill up with joy.

For the week of May 20-26, 2013 I am using the Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine & Doreen Virtue with artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Thank you for joining me this week. I will be at Amma next weekend and will do my best to get the weekly read up as usual! It will be as it is meant to be.

Light and love to you all, Lisa