Positive Changes Are Blooming at Work

I see this card and I smile. We started off the year with so many fire sign cards signifying your need and ability to be creative & find more purpose in your life. This weeks reading tells of a time of wishes coming true and the generosity you cultivate in your life in Weekly Tarot Reading July 22nd – 28th, 2013. And today I have pulled, New Career, from a sweet little deck by the lovely and talented Doreen Virtue – Magical Messages From The Fairies. Artwork by Marius Michael-GeorgeNew_Career

The imagery on this card tells a very positive and evocative tale. As things change for you, just as in this card, you have a brilliant glowing energy radiating from your throat chakra, the centre of communication. This fairy is angelic with gigantic wings of rainbow light as though they are simply radiant energy rather than actual matter. This signifies a hopeful future in your new direction with your work. You have risen up out of the whirlpool that has been holding you back causing suffering in so many different areas of your life. The stress can be overwhelming and ubiquitous. She is raising her hands up to the skies releasing all that has weighed her down. You have overcome the storm and are now ready for a bright new chapter. A brilliant gold and diamond “snowflake-like” rises above her. This beacon of light is so bright in the card that you cannot even look at it, this is representative of the life source that is available to all of us.

You may be resolving a tense situation at work, leaving to start a new job or embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture.

Be sure to keep your thoughts positive as you embrace these upcoming changes. As we step out of our comfort zone, we have a tendency to revert to old “comforting” habits. Remember that these no longer serve you and these feeling of “fear” are healthy. You must learn how to harness them and use them as fuel to pursue your dreams. Staying in your comfort zone only leads to more of the same old thing. Congratulations!

Have a wonderful day! Enjoy your summer each and every day. Namaste, Lisa

4 thoughts on “Positive Changes Are Blooming at Work

  1. Wow Lisa you have no idea how much I needed this message this week 🙂 Ive been struggling in my job for the last few months feeling absolutely overwhelmed to the point of breaking. Ive been teetering on the edge of leaving for a couple of months now and have been asking for a clear sign…funnily enough the signs are everywhere but im always asking for just one more, just one more please spirit!! Doreens reading was much the same this week and i can hear spirit saying what are you waiting for?!! I guess its those fears that you talk about, what if im just giving up, you’ll never get another job blah blah blah.
    Anyway, thank you so much for your post, it has calmed me and reminded me to stay positive and follow my heart.
    Enjoy the rest of your week
    MissHappySpirits x

    1. Wow, thank you so much for the awesome comment. We all have our blah blah blah’s, don’t we? It is only when we step into the fear and use it to our advantage that we can enter into a new extraordinary place. Stay in the flow sunshine and have a wonderful week also!!!

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