Please Come Along on My New Journey

I invite you friends to please come along on my new journey in blogging.

 I have moved to a self hosted site, hired a technical virtual assistant and am preparing to publish my first monthly newsletter.

I will no longer be showing up in your reader so if you would like to continue this journey with me, please visit me at my new website and follow me there.

This morning I posted on The Art of Stillness, and how practicing it can save your from burnout.

 I have loved this community and all of the support it has offered me in my blogging; thank you for all of your encouragement, friendship and inspiration.

Live life in FULL bloom, your Coach Lisa

How Being a Curious Observer May Save Your Creativity

Once upon a time we lived in a world where inspiration was a force of nature, both unpredictable and separate from us. Inspiration was accepted as something that came to you as mysteriously as it

Mere mortals were celebrated for having been visited by this amazing creative force so much and for so long that along the way mankind’s trusty egos convinced us to take credit for that inspiration, to take ownership of it.

Why not? It was Rodin’s hands that sculpted his masterpieces and Michelangelo’s to paint the Cistine Chapel. Why not indeed?

I recently read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic and it has left me thinking about creativity and writing and work and responsibility. alway-only-fear-elizabeth-gilbert

I love that she made a deal with herself when she was just a teenager to write every day of her life but not to put the pressure of providing an income on her writing; that the writing was to be something that fulfilled her soul and not to provide a steady pay cheque.

I can see how this oath has allowed her writing to be honest and free of obligation. I can see clearly how when we include the purpose of writing for more followers, more subscribers, more Likes or a higher conversion rate, that we often appeal to less people instead of more.

In trying to connect with so many for the purpose of commerce you lose the ability to truly connect at all.

Establish what you care about, what the people you work with care about and what the people you want to work with care about and write about that in your work. Be specific. Be courageous. Be vulnerable. curious-observer-image

Be a curious observer. Realize that your are not responsible for inspiration. That to be a success you must observe your surroundings and proceed with curiosity and keep going each and every day.

Some days this curiosity will be in baby steps and other days it will provide tremendous leaps. Both move you forward, which is the direction you want go.

One theme that she wrote about that has stayed with me is the deeply entrenched cultural belief that if we suffer enough we are doing a good job; that we are worthy. dive-head-first-heart-first-into-life-image

Who the f*^k decided that was a good idea? Plenty of people suffer each and every day all over the world and their suffering only leads to…..more suffering.

There will always be many days you won’t feel the inspiration; keep moving forward anyway. It is not your fault that inspiration didn’t show up. One day you will find that your curiosity has been dancing with inspiration behind closed doors and they are, at long last, ready to come out of the closet. In the end, inspiration was waiting for you to be ready!

I think it is so brilliant to acknowledge that when we sit inspiration down for a serious talking to, and proceed to tell it to work like a rented mule for our personal prosperity, it is likely to just go take a really long siesta in a land far, far away.

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How To Say Goodbye, Au Revoir and Adiós To The Blues

With something as simple as the colour yellow.

As we wrap ourselves into cozy blankets, trade our sandals in for rain boots and say goodbye to refreshing sips of lemonade as steamy mugs of hot tea warm our hands, I feel a strong pull to explore my inner sunshine.sun-sunflower

Inner sunshine?

Known as that large area in your tummy where you get butterflies when you feel nervous or that area referred to by the cringe inducing word “core” used by pilates, yoga and fitness instructors around the world. Inner sunshine comes from here.

When you are connected to your core, you are confident, courageous, living with grit and in harmony with your vision for a life that you love.daffodil_macro_enough_HB2015

Our energy centres, also known as chakras, are located throughout our body, but we typically work with seven main ones. Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel, as healthy chakras are clear and bright as they spin in a clockwise direction.chakradance

When your energy centres are unclear, dull or muddy in colour, you can feel it. You don’t feel your usual vibrant self. Depending where the imbalances are, you can be filled with varying degrees of doubts, fears, frustration and even anger.Thin-fabric-cloth-Printed-photography-font-b-background-b-font-font-b-yellow-b-font-bokeh

Back to the inner sunshine.

Bright yellow is the colour of our power centre, the solar plexus chakra. When you say or think the words,

“I choose…..”
“I decide…..”
“I believe….”

The words that follow these affirming statements shape your experience in a powerful and life altering way. Of all the conversations you have, 85% of them are with yourself!seamless-pattern-of-yellow-lemon-slices

My Top Tip For More Inner Sunshine

Spend your day making choices that will have you smiling when you reflect back on who you spoke to, what you spoke about, how you conversed with them and why you said what you said.

You have the power to lift yourself up or tear yourself down, to be your own soft place to fall or your own worst critic. Thanks to our monkey minds, you can be all of these things in the span of a few minutes. Perhaps you have never thought of it as talking to yourself, but you do it….all day long. This inner world creates your outer world. This inner dialogue lays the foundation for your conversations with everyone else in your life.Hafiz_HB

No talking yourself out of adventure or opportunity today. When you reach the end of today, knowing that there isn’t an undo/redo button, how will you remember it?

Whatever you choose, I want it to be with a smile and some pride. Acknowledging your triumphs and your courage for all that went well while letting the other stuff be a lesson not a thorn in your side.

Adventure can simply be breaking a tried and true routine, habit or familiar route by doing something a little bit different. It doesn’t have to be worthy of a National Geographic spreadbee-animal-wallpapers21

Make a decision so strong and so committed that you can’t not carry it forward into your day of planting seeds of love, generosity and wonder. I want you to observe how when you smile at the people around you how that energy comes back to brighten up your world.

If you can’t see any sunshine out there to warm up your day, why not make some of your own? Choose your next thought on purpose.


Live life in FULL bloom – your coach, Lisa

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Visit Coaching Packages & Workshops to book your Life & Soul Coaching package today. When you talk, I’ll listen.

thegirlsOct_2015 (1)


Being Pulled In A Million Directions Effects….

Is trying to figure out how to live more in the present moment just another arm grabbing at your attention and time, pulling you in a million directions? Photo 2015-07-06, 9 31 09 AM

We may read less in the traditional sense, like enjoying an educational work of non-fiction or a historical yet salacious page turning thriller, but we aren’t actually reading any less.

Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, blogs, newsletters, general web surfing, emails and texts, you are inundated with thousands of micro messages each day. No wonder you feel pulled in a million directions all the time. I haven’t even included the demand of actual breathing, warm blooded human beings of the leg-hugging or full grown variety. Another arm pulling you away from what you were just attempting to do, to get you to do what they want instead.

What is a girl to do?

Here is an information and revealing post I found titled, Why We Can’t Read Anymore.


Clutter comes in many forms and from many influences yet it is a symptom that it is covering up something you really don’t want to address. To implement positive and long lasting change, being clear on why you have this clutter, paves the way down your yellow brick road.

How did this journey of being pulled apart by the demands of life and stuff begin? Where did you want to go when you started taking on all of this work, all of these belongings, all of this baggage?

Your mind needs space to roam.

You life requires time to play.

I invite you to clarify your intentions for your life. How do you want to live? Understand your own power in the equation of how you spend your time at work and home and how those choices can create more abundance and happiness in your life.keep_giveaway

I also invite you to love your life enough to spend a little time thinking about why you have the clutter that you do have. Some examples are digital files, physical relics of days gone by, clothing, negative thoughts patterns, collectables, and on and on it goes. Why has it shown up and what is it hiding?

If this answer eludes you, try spending some time with these items and in your mind ask it why it is here in your life then get quiet and pay attention to the thoughts that enter your mind. This answer may not come in what I call made for tv time, so be patient. If you have been hanging onto this clutter for a long time or it feels especially hard to let it go, this answer may need some encouragement and time to come to the surface.

Clutter makes me think of Buddhist monks and their spectacular sand mandalas. Training for years to perform this ritual, monks spend countless hours over many days creating these amazing works of art, only to destroy them afterwards as a symbol of the impermanence of life.

The art of non-attachment serves us all well. True joy can not be found in a cash register.

I congratulate you for making the wise decision to value your happiness more than your clutter. Of choosing to release that which no longer serves you for a brighter, clearer more energetically charged future.lifeisfortheliving

Perhaps you have been enjoying this series from the first post or perhaps you have just discovered it here. Here are the quick links to read the other posts in this series.

Tip #1 on re-kindling you creativity and profits
Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost
Tip #3 on how to get started when you are ready to take the plunge into organizing your physical and digital worlds
Tip #4 on how to lose what you don’t love.
Tip #5 on the importance of sprucing up the view in your nest
Tip #6 on the one tip that will keep you from drowning in clutter ever again

We are all different and require different starting points. Some items are easy to purge while others cling onto you like a leach in the amazon. Be strong and if you don’t love it, lose it.

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Coaching Packages & Workshops to book your Life & Soul Coaching package today. When you talk, I’ll listen.thegirlsOct_2015 (1)

Creating a Space That You LOVE Can Be The Secret To…


We discussed having supplies and tools that you love already, but what about the bigger picture? How your space feels is a key element in your ability to create abundance in your life; this includes money, happiness, opportunities and so much more.

With all of the time that you spend at your keyboard, doesn’t it just make sense to be in an environment that fosters your well being?

You have been busy clearing away your old files, jeans and collectibles. You have been organizing your computer’s hard drive and desktop. You have been saying hello to lost treasure and good bye to your junk. You are awesome!

Now it is time to take a seat in the spot you like to work (yes, go there and sit down). Do this both at home and at the office, and get quiet in your mind and body. What do you see? What would you like to see? Colours, textures, scents and feelings all play into your ability to focus, be creative and to get things done.

Could you use some aromatherapy, fresh flowers, a new piece of art that reflects an adventure you have on your bucket list or maybe a new colour of paint?

I ask you to love the view from the seat where you create, work and thrive. Trust me on this, it really will improve every aspect of your life. By putting some fresh new personal touches on it, you will want to be in that space more, which in itself will increase your productivity and profits.

You will be happier, feel motivated, more inspired; creativity will flow and so will the abundance.

So whether you work in a cubicle or a corner office with a rock star view, whether you are planning a full renovation or just a few tweaks; loving the view from where you sit can make all the difference.

Pinterest is an excellent resource for decorating if you haven’t already checked it out. You can set your search parameters around your exact needs and create a board for My New Office and starting pinning!Photo 2015-08-29, 7 09 40 PM

Today’s post is tip five of a seven part series. You can read the previous articles:

Tip #1 on re-kindling you creativity and profits
Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost
Tip #3 on how to get started when you are ready to take the plunge into organizing your physical and digital worlds
Tip #4 on how to lose what you don’t love.

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me today.
Live life in full bloom. 

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.
When you talk, I’ll listen.

Life Shrinks and Expands


Life shrinks or expands
in proportion

to ones courage.

Wrap yourself up in your courage today and see how your horizons expand.

A quick post today. I am missing all of you a lot and will make time very soon to get caught up with your blogs. 

Live life in FULL bloom.

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.

Be Here Now

Be Here Nowbeherenow_jellies_HB2015

Life has been reminding me again and again that it happens in the present moment. This is the inspiration for today’s Happy Box.

When our mind gets wrapped up in our big urban lives worries can propel you into a future that to be honest, will never happen.  It is wise to have a technique tucked away in your back pocket to bring you back into the present moment. What is in your bag of tricks?

Is it a mantra? A few deep breaths? Rooting your feet into the earth/sidewalk/floor/elevator to garner a sense of connection and peace? Listening to someone like it is the most interesting conversation you have ever had? Perhaps feeling an appreciation for your life right now and all you have to be grateful for?

For me I have had the words be here now running through my head like a soundtrack in a movie, inspiring me in so many rewarding ways.

To be aware of the lady smiling at me from the front row in yoga class which led our first conversation, even though we had seen  each other dozens of times before but never spoke. She is like a member of Cirque de Soleil, and I have always been amazed by her flexibility and power.

Noticing how sweet my girls are in their innocence and playfulness as they dance and sing and joke all around me. Usually I am too busy making dinner, cleaning up, getting through homework and trying to decipher my 8 year olds ever expanding vocabulary en français while doing laundry and squeezing some blogging in!

Taking time to pause on the path to enjoy the sun on my skin as my favourite insect, the  dragonfly darts past.

To smell the gorgeous roses in the garden at the farmers market and to chat with the local artisans rather than rushing around to collect my produce. We even stopped and enjoyed the musicians, a talented duo of teenage twins playing an acoustic guitar and a banjo. It was a sweet moment watching my girls throw some money in their guitar case.

I ask you to take a little extra time today to be present. Enjoy this spectacular day, it is a gift. aboutjourney_HBApril2015

Live life in FULL bloom.

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.

Dive Deep 2.0

Thank you so much to Lady Amy Rose for leaving this quote on one of my posts last week, Circle of Words. Isn’t it awesome!?!?AmyRose_HB2015

Amy and I decided to create posts celebrating this deep truth. Hers can be found on her blog as Dive Deep and you have found mine here in Dive Deep 2.0. We had a lot of fun diving deep into this creative process separately yet together.

This process flowed like so much in life, although we worked independently on our posts, we were supported synergistically in our creativity and our expression. 

Exploring new frontiers is liberating and exciting as it unchains a freedom that so many people need in this world. To extend yourself beyond your comfort zone is essential.

How deep are you willing to go to find priceless treasure and freedom?

I am studying Lesson 305 today in A Course in Miracles, and I can say without a doubt that the deeper you do dive into your vulnerability, your faith, your truth, your soul, you will indeed find plenty of treasure there.

I’ve got nothing but mad crazy love for you Amy!!! Keep on rocking’ it soul sister. Thank you so much for this beautiful connection, the inspiration I find in your work and all that you do to shine light in this world.

Live life in FULL bloom.

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Circle of Words

Today’s Happy Box: What is your circle of words?circleofwords_HB2015

In my opinion, communication is a fundamental and necessary skill to fulfillment, happiness and success in life, love and work.

I do enjoy that uncomfortable body language that arises when clients realize we are working on their own inner dialogue. With no possible escape route, fire alarm to pull or excuse that can get them out of this, the thinly veiled squirming, sweating and disapproving faces pour out in a free fall. Ahh, the sweet sweet pleasure of power.

In all seriousness though, I enjoy it because the discomfort is a sign that we are making some break throughs. Progress and true change come only when you are pushed beyond your comfort zone.

Your ability to speak concisely, with grace and with clear intention is the biggest gift you can give yourself. It impacts your career, your home life and community connections each and every day of your life.

Sadly, as a society, we are so uncomfortable with words these days. Who doesn’t rely on technology to communicate or avoid communication in an uncomfortable moment? Or even worse, rather than speaking to our life partners about the issues near and dear to our hearts, many go to a counsellor just to have a safe space to talk.

I am not too proud to share that my own visits to the marriage counsellor led to a major shift in my own personal communication style. Hey, when we know better we do better.

I invite you to write down your circle of words that convey the energy you want to manifest in your life. Your inner world creates your outer world, what do you want yours to be?

Think of the circle of words exercise like a vision board for your brain. Type them up right now in the comment box or get out your journal. Whatever feels good for you.

Just do it.

Live life in FULL bloom.

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.brick_headshot_May_2015

Words Magic Power


Words can work magic, just like a spell.

They can cast a dark shadow


light you up like a sunny day.

Which on you get all depends on you.

Recently I read a post on Noelle’s blog, Meditation Travelogue  which inspired this Happy Box.

Acknowledging and accepting the power of your words is an essential practice. The impact your words have on your co-workers, family members and the random encounters out in the world are absolutely critical to your success in life, both as a human being and in your career.

It is time to own your power and it is tremendous.

Acknowledging the power of your inner dialogue is equally essential.I dedicate a lot of time in my programs to communication. It is the key component to effective long lasting change.

Our perception of events creates our reality. Two people can be in the same room and take away completely different messages depending on their personal point of view.

As a student and blogger of A Course in Miracles, words are under constant scrutiny. They have so much power to separate us, to inspire us, to enrich our lives and at times even to cast a shadow on the soul for an entire lifetime.

I want to talk a little bit about inspiration.

Great truths are simple and we feel them deep in our guts; perhaps you call them epiphanies. Being able to inspire your team through teamwork, continued education and acknowledging excellence is preferable to threatening them with their jobs or bonuses if they don’t reach their targets.

Inspiring accomplishment in our children through fostering independence and consistency is preferable to shaming, micro-managing and talking down to them.

Looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling back at yourself will lay the foundation for self acceptance rather than scrutinizing a minor flaw in your complexion.

Each conversation you have, could be the most important one you ever have. Pay attention to what you say and what is being said to you. Not only for the impact of your message, but for the opportunities that open up as a result.  You could be the biggest source of inspiration in someone’s life today.

On a personal note, I made it to Sunrise Yoga this morning. To maximize my productivity as I expand my life coaching practice, I am setting my alarm clock for 5:42 am to maintain my four times a week yoga practice.

My instructor Shalon announced that we were going to end the class in, dun-dun-dun, headstand. I have not even attempted headstand in over a year and at the time, doing it before 7 am seemed a bit shall we say, optimistic.

Shalon, who is not only a talented instructor but such a sweet nurturing young woman, took the time to break it down, addressed the fear she could see welling up in her students and as she spoke I felt a calm, confidence wash over me and I said to myself, “I can do this.”

And I did. As I stayed there looking out at the upside-down horizon of blue sky, forest and mountain, I felt such a sense of accomplishment. Life was reminding me to go for it!

The motivation for kicking my legs up into the air instead of just hanging out in my comfort zone is due 100% to her words. They cast a magic spell over me and motivated me to rise into myself.  I have been in the best mood all day.

I decided last night to post this Happy Box this morning and I have to say that it feels outstanding to have this anecdotal story to end with.

May we all enjoy the bumps on the road as we soar onwards and upwards along the journey of life.brick_headshot_May_2015

Live life in FULL bloom.

If you enjoy my Happy Boxes, please like my Facebook Page to get your daily dose.
