Be A Gangster of Love

I have a soft spot for this post on fostering love and beauty in your soul. All good things to you – Lisa _/|\_

Blazing Light of Glory

Each night at bedtime we say a prayer I learned back in 2012 from Robert Holden at the I Can Do It! Vancouver Conference with a  little add-on from Mama Bear (that’s me).

Dear God,

Please show me the truth about myself
No matter how beautiful it is.

Peace, grace and love
To everyone around the world
Here and gone
Amen and hallelujah!

I was able to tell Robert Holden how he had inspired me to say the prayer with my kids every night for the past two years at a workshop in 2014. I was able to tell Robert Holden how he had inspired me to say the prayer with my kids every night for the past two years at a workshop in 2014.

Last week we studied Lesson 239, and the first line of the lesson made me think of the value of this prayer.

Let not the truth about ourselves be hidden by a false humility….We thank You, Father, for the light that shines forever in us…

The Course is such an amazing journey to love. It weaves…

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Pleasure, Happiness and Joy, Which Do You Seek?

When people are asked what they want most in life, many people answer with one simple word.


Elusive and fleeting, happiness has become something we chase rather than embody. And what does “being happy” even really mean to you. How many of us have reduced that question down so that we can actually see the truth underneath all of our walls? Recently I have spent quite a bit of time considering the difference between pleasure, happiness and joy in my pursuit of a “happier” life.

We can cultivate pleasure in our lives through physical sensations and earthly delights. To satisfy desires and cravings leaves us feeling satiated in the moment, but sadly the pleasure never lasts.pleasure_quote

Our search for happiness leads us down an emotional road of ups and downs. Other people, our careers and our accomplishments can certainly elevate our mood, but this level of happiness is also fleeting.10421443_10152501433575155_9096040746991991732_n

The search for joy happens inside, at a soul level. To find silence in a state of meditation leads to a sense of joy that is unparalleled by any other experience. To live life in a present state, aware of our relationship with God/the universe/Source, you will find a comfort and an ever-present soft place to fall that is lacking from the earthly pleasures we too often seek to lift our moods.

I am the first to admit that the peace, serenity and joy achieved by meditation can be de-railed by the demands of life. This only means I have to work harder at achieving the silence and modelling the lessons learned while there. A perspective of gratitude goes a LONG way in maintaining this state. A miracle is not something that happens in a blue moon, it is a simple shift in perspective. Allowing your gaze to be one of love and appreciation for all the blessings in your life over the hardships.BloomLisa_HB_Owl_Meditate

In the busy weeks ahead, make time for your meditation practice and reap the rewards in every aspect of your life.

All good things to you and thank you so much for stopping by! Wishing you peace, grace and love today and all days – Lisa _/|\_

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page to get your daily dose of my new “Happy Boxes”, a co-creation of affirmations and quotes paired with my husband’s beautiful photography. Or here for my Twitter and Pinterest accounts. I am accepting booking in the Metro Vancouver area for holiday events both for corporate and private functions. quarter_ad_ScSh_2014


If There Is To Be Peace

In the human race, the only thing that has ever made any difference at all was a choice followed by an action . The viral wave of success that follows any person, idea or thing does not change this core truth. I hope you enjoy this post on peace starting within. All good things to you today and every day. With thanks – Lisa

Blazing Light of Glory

Julie and I just finished Review V – Lesson 171 – 180. It was full of familiar themes and reminders of earlier lessons. Each lesson leads with:

God is but Love, and therefore so am I.BloomLisa_HB_LifeLoveMe

The idea of unrelenting trust and faith came up in most of the lessons and here are a few:

(151) All things are the echoes of the Voice for God 
(156) I walk with God in perfect holiness 
(157) Into His Presence would I enter now
(165) Let not my mind deny the Thought of God
(169) By grace I live. By grace I am released.

Having a deep unquestioning trust in something intangible challenges me. It is often after the tough moments that I think, I forgot to recognize my ego there….again! It seems to come and go like the tides. Growing up without a relationship to love/Source/God/the Universe does rear its ugly…

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Falling Into Place

fallingintoplaceThe experience of life falling into place and into pieces simultaneously has somehow become the norm for me.  When I embarked on my journey into A Course in Miracles in January 2014, I knew my life would undergo a transformation, a face-lift or call it a metamorphosis not unlike the caterpillar. I didn’t however grasp how this journey would shake, rattle and roll every corner of my universe.expiredCatepillar

Some days, for just a moment, I wish I could go back to the innocence. The saying, “Ignorance is bliss” resonates in those moments. Those overwhelming moments take their toll, undermining my plans and my confidence until I remember that the plan for me is not in fact mine. I am grateful for this journey into grace and can see there is indeed a bright light shining off in the horizon. Some days I bask in the glow while other days I can only strive to feel the warmth of the light.Rumi_HappyBoxes

I was inspired by the wonderful blog Writing To Freedom this morning to create this Happy Box that so perfectly illustrates my perspective these days courtesy of Rumi. To read his post about vulnerability click here.

I really do believe all the things that make us grow up, foster compassion, forgiveness and graciousness are also the events that bring us to our knees. May we all embrace our faith in something bigger than ourselves as we bloom into beautiful messengers of the universe/love/source/God.

Wishing us all peace, grace and love today and every day – Lisa _/|\_

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page to get your daily dose of my new “Happy Boxes”, a co-creation of affirmations and quotes paired with my husband’s beautiful photography. Or here for my Twitter and Pinterest accounts. I am accepting booking in the Metro Vancouver area for holiday events both for corporate and private functions. quarter_ad_ScSh_2014


I Can Do It – And So Can You!

I am all set for my third I Can Do It Conference here in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. I blog about this because after attending my first one two years back, I found the experience enlightening, transformation and clarifying in a way that exceeded my expectations and changed the course of my life. soul wisdom

I walked out of that theatre finally able to put words to my concept of God/source/universal love. And trust me, for this girl that was HUGE. I never bought into the bearded old man in the sky. It was a combination of speakers thoughts and my own beliefs coming together through themes in the conference that gave me the biggest “AHA” moment there is.

I embarked in a new direction of searching within rather than outward. Things have been interesting for the last two years to say the least, but I am in love with the direction my life is now going. There is a beauty in surrounding yourself with like minded beings who are essentially in your target market of kinship. So I head off to embrace my inner Goddess and all that she embodies.Lakshmi, Bright Future

So….if you are contemplating attending a conference, retreat or workshop, DO IT!!! Remember, if you are self employed you can write off a lot of the costs associated with attending so no more money excuses. You can network with like minded people, make some new soulful friendships and bask in the energy of positivity. These events are opportunities to expand on open hearted living and see how many people are out there with similar stories to your own.

I look forward to sharing take away quotes from the amazing line up of speakers including:

Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Bruce Lipton, Anita Moorjani, Robert Holden, Doreen Virtue, Joe DispenzaJames van Praagh, Alex Woodard, Sonia Choquette, Eric Pearl, Jim Kwik and John Pierre.

Here I am last year with Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Here I am last year with Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine


Oh and if that isn’t enough, I am volunteering for Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine on Monday at their Certified Angel Card Reader Certification Course. I did it last year and Radleigh asked me to come back again this year (woot woot, what a blessing & privilege to spend the day assisting those two earth angels) so off I go for three HUGE days of hanging with the heavies in the Hay House world of scientists, doctors, students of ACIM, inspiration speakers, cancer survivors and so much more. 

Whew, it will be like a spiritual laxative!!!!light_in_heart_rumi

Blessings to you all and have a wonderful weekend. I will be high on life & love. Namaste – Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!


A Return To Love

For one reason or another I have yet to blog about my new studies. January 1, 2014 I cracked open my dense, heavy navy blue copy of A Course in Miracles. Might I add that not only is it HUGE, but it has that type of paper that is super fine and stick together, resulting in many, many more pages.

But I digress…I buckled my seat belt and so began this beautiful bumpy ride.MW_forgive

It is said that your life often falls apart when taking The Course. That isn’t a big surprise to me, nor does it dissuade me. When you think about it, peeling away patterns of days gone by and shifting your consciousness so dramatically HAS to result in BIG changes.

In writing this post I ask myself why do I take the Course? I live my life in search of happiness that doesn’t end. Real long lasting happiness. To remember that I am a spiritual being living a human existence not the other way around. I strive to find more patience as a wife and mother, more happiness and fulfillment as a woman and more graciousness & generosity as a citizen of planet earth.

The Course has been calling me softly since back in 2008 when I was introduced to Marianne Williamson and A Course in Miracles through her podcasts. she has a nurturing quality to her voice that I found so comforting after the passing of my beloved Dad that Fall. The Course however was not yet meant to come into my life.Not only has she been teaching the Course for decades, this amazing woman is currently running for Congress in California!!!MW_share

Fast forward to I Can Do It Vancouver 2012. A good friend invited me to attend this conference & buying my ticket changed my life forever. I had never done anything like it and the icing on the cake was the 1 1/2 hr keynote from the one and only Marianne Williamson. Her soothing voice with a southern twang enveloped me like the wings of an angel. From funny to profound she made so much sense, but I was unsure of this Course in Miracles she continued to reference over and over again.  I do know that after that conference I walked around for days seeing an actual light inside every person and the connection flowing between us all. Talk about a good spiritual conference!!MW_forgive_world

The Course baby steps you into some pretty deep philosophies about life and love as it trains the mind to look for peace and love in ALL situations. It is broken into several sections which makes it easier to digest. There are 365 lessons in the workbook and students should not study more than one a day. It is not for everyone, but it is definitely for me. Forgiveness, being present, non-attachment, letting go of what has passed, these are all very appealing to me. I strive daily to increase my capacity to embody these traits.

A Course in Miracles is not affiliated with any religion but it IS written in Christian verbiage. Part of my success has been translating the lessons into terminology that aligns with my beliefs. Miracle becomes love. God becomes Source. Holy becomes connection. Kingdom of heaven becomes bliss that doesn’t end (who doesn’t want that?!?). It is working out nicely. teaching_CinM

The Course continued to show up for me and after seeing Amma in Seattle last spring I clearly received the message to, at long last, take the Course. It is said that the Course finds people and turns up for them. Well I received it for a birthday gift and found the most amazing study buddy to keep me on track. She is none other than Through A Peacock’s Eyes! Please check out her blog if you aren’t already connected, she is amazing. 

When I put a blog call out for a study buddy I asked my angels to deliver an earth angel and THEY DID!!! I couldn’t have manifested a better partner. She is intuitive, intelligent and brings thought provoking ideas to our weekly FaceTime chats. Although we live seemingly opposite lives we have a remarkable amount in common, once again proving to me that when you open the door to “it”, “it” arrives. The Law of Attraction delivered my earth angel, many thanks and gratitude for that. Or as a new blog buddy says on her site: Blessitude (I am so blessed and full of gratitude).


I look forward to hearing your stories and inspirations too as I speed down this runway of open hearted living. If you know of any bloggers on the Course, please leave a comment with the link!! I feel so blessed to have this supportive online community. Lucky lucky Lisa.

UPDATE – Since writing this post, my study buddy Julie and I have created a new blog dedicated to ACIM and you can find it here:

Blazing Light of Glory, A Study in A Course in Miracles, is a co-created and cooperative writing, studying, and teaching effort of Lisa of BloomLisa and Julianne Victoria of Through the Peacock’s Eyes.

Peace, grace and love, Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!