A Return To Love

For one reason or another I have yet to blog about my new studies. January 1, 2014 I cracked open my dense, heavy navy blue copy of A Course in Miracles. Might I add that not only is it HUGE, but it has that type of paper that is super fine and stick together, resulting in many, many more pages.

But I digress…I buckled my seat belt and so began this beautiful bumpy ride.MW_forgive

It is said that your life often falls apart when taking The Course. That isn’t a big surprise to me, nor does it dissuade me. When you think about it, peeling away patterns of days gone by and shifting your consciousness so dramatically HAS to result in BIG changes.

In writing this post I ask myself why do I take the Course? I live my life in search of happiness that doesn’t end. Real long lasting happiness. To remember that I am a spiritual being living a human existence not the other way around. I strive to find more patience as a wife and mother, more happiness and fulfillment as a woman and more graciousness & generosity as a citizen of planet earth.

The Course has been calling me softly since back in 2008 when I was introduced to Marianne Williamson and A Course in Miracles through her podcasts. she has a nurturing quality to her voice that I found so comforting after the passing of my beloved Dad that Fall. The Course however was not yet meant to come into my life.Not only has she been teaching the Course for decades, this amazing woman is currently running for Congress in California!!!MW_share

Fast forward to I Can Do It Vancouver 2012. A good friend invited me to attend this conference & buying my ticket changed my life forever. I had never done anything like it and the icing on the cake was the 1 1/2 hr keynote from the one and only Marianne Williamson. Her soothing voice with a southern twang enveloped me like the wings of an angel. From funny to profound she made so much sense, but I was unsure of this Course in Miracles she continued to reference over and over again.  I do know that after that conference I walked around for days seeing an actual light inside every person and the connection flowing between us all. Talk about a good spiritual conference!!MW_forgive_world

The Course baby steps you into some pretty deep philosophies about life and love as it trains the mind to look for peace and love in ALL situations. It is broken into several sections which makes it easier to digest. There are 365 lessons in the workbook and students should not study more than one a day. It is not for everyone, but it is definitely for me. Forgiveness, being present, non-attachment, letting go of what has passed, these are all very appealing to me. I strive daily to increase my capacity to embody these traits.

A Course in Miracles is not affiliated with any religion but it IS written in Christian verbiage. Part of my success has been translating the lessons into terminology that aligns with my beliefs. Miracle becomes love. God becomes Source. Holy becomes connection. Kingdom of heaven becomes bliss that doesn’t end (who doesn’t want that?!?). It is working out nicely. teaching_CinM

The Course continued to show up for me and after seeing Amma in Seattle last spring I clearly received the message to, at long last, take the Course. It is said that the Course finds people and turns up for them. Well I received it for a birthday gift and found the most amazing study buddy to keep me on track. She is none other than Through A Peacock’s Eyes! Please check out her blog if you aren’t already connected, she is amazing. 

When I put a blog call out for a study buddy I asked my angels to deliver an earth angel and THEY DID!!! I couldn’t have manifested a better partner. She is intuitive, intelligent and brings thought provoking ideas to our weekly FaceTime chats. Although we live seemingly opposite lives we have a remarkable amount in common, once again proving to me that when you open the door to “it”, “it” arrives. The Law of Attraction delivered my earth angel, many thanks and gratitude for that. Or as a new blog buddy says on her site: Blessitude (I am so blessed and full of gratitude).


I look forward to hearing your stories and inspirations too as I speed down this runway of open hearted living. If you know of any bloggers on the Course, please leave a comment with the link!! I feel so blessed to have this supportive online community. Lucky lucky Lisa.

UPDATE – Since writing this post, my study buddy Julie and I have created a new blog dedicated to ACIM and you can find it here:

Blazing Light of Glory, A Study in A Course in Miracles, is a co-created and cooperative writing, studying, and teaching effort of Lisa of BloomLisa and Julianne Victoria of Through the Peacock’s Eyes.

Peace, grace and love, Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!

22 thoughts on “A Return To Love

    1. Thank you so much Meliza! I really appreciate the referral to Celia’s blog. I can use all the help and resources available to navigate these waters. Be well & many blessings.

  1. Thanks for the mention Lisa! Hehe. It took me a moment to realize you were talking about me! Love ACIM…was very into it during major part of my healing…see it on my shelf (just love the weight of the book and thin thin pages!) I pick it up and read every week or so. Love your translations!!! And I see someone gave you link to Celia already. Blessitude 😀

    1. Of course you are a student too! No wonder I was drawn to your blog. I am very grateful for the tools it provides for moving through life’s bumpy road. What a great resource for YOU to have had during an intense period of healing. Be well and thx so much for the sweet comment.

  2. I speak in hushed tones. Honey, you are doing a really good thing. I am so proud of you for doing this, and yes, a lot of my work, or words, line up with what The Course says. I did not take the Course, but yet, no surprise to me, Spirit taught me many of the concepts found in the Course. I have the book yes, and I do refer to it. In order to walk the Higher Path, I need to immerse myself in Truth all the time, for this world is just too LOUD and will knock me off my Path. BIG (((HUGS))) Amy

    PS I am SO glad my post today helped you today. Deep concepts IF you stop to think about them, will have you amazed at LIFE itself. Keep up the great work, Sweetie. xx

    1. Aren’t you the sweetest. Source draws us together as my energy rises and rises as I walk slowly down the path of love, peace and forgiveness. Yes, it seems the Course is teaching us well before we crack open the cover of the book. Blessings to you and may ALL your flowers bloom Amy. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  3. I have attempted it once for a couple of weeks….it sits patiently in my book shelf! Perhaps it’s time to pick it up again! Do you do the lessons every morning/night? Or just as you find time?

    1. Yes, perhaps it is sweet soul. We do four lessons each week and my study buddy and I chat on FaceTime for about an hour once a week. It has made all the difference having a partner in crime!

  4. i love this post, lisa. it’s very inspiring.
    funny you mention ICDI – because i wanted to tell you that i would love to meet you, but don’t think i can swing the conference this time around. 😦 if my situation changes i will definitely let you know. and interesting that you mention amma too. i am thinking of going to either seattle or LA to see her in the next few weeks. lots of love, aleya ❤

  5. Reblogged this on Blazing Light of Glory and commented:

    Here is a recent post sharing my discovery of A Course in Miracles. The Course whispers to you softly as it calls to you and for many it takes years before we are ready to become a student. Wether you are a student of ACIM, considering becoming a student or simply aspire to live a more loving life, all of you sweet souls are welcome!!! Peace, grace & love – Lisa

  6. How wonderful, and I missed this post Lisa, probably along with some more, as I am flitting around time and Blog space LOL.. 🙂
    I was so thrilled you are sharing a blog with Julie, and I have joined to follow you both upon your insights..
    I was given the Course in Miracles by my now late friend, she gave me her copy in the 90’s and told me to read it… I have dipped into it and been amazed by it.. I also have listened to Wayne Dyer who speaks fondly of his study of the C-in-M..
    I was brought up in a sort of non-religious family.. but I was Christened within the Church of England.. But went to a Methodists Sunday School,, I joined the choir.. and into my teens had Bible classes..
    I left it all alone as we sometimes do as we grow and live life and form our own families..
    It was some years later Spirit guided me to a meditation group, which happened to be held in a Spiritualist Church.. Where then I again developed my dormant Mediumistic gifts which led me in later years to meet my Medium Friend,

    The Universal Laws show us how love is the core of all we do… And I look forward Lisa in following your journey in your understandings of this remarkable Book

    Love and Blessings

    1. What an interesting path you have had with ACIM. I am so grateful to have Julie to sift through it all, I don’t think I would have made as much progress as we have. And we have become quite good friends through it all. The Law of Attraction sent me the perfect partner!!! I hope you will leave some words of wisdom on our new blog as time goes on. Blessings sweet Sue

  7. Hi Lisa, Enjoy your journey with love and forgiveness. I read the CIM years ago and am considering revisiting it. Currently, I’m reading a related book called “The Disappearing Universe” that references TCIM. And I’m doing the Tutu Global Forgiveness challenge. Forgiveness is in the air! blessings, Brad

    1. My study buddy and I have started a new blog to discuss ACIM just last week. We thought it would be nice to have a community for support & discussion. Here is the link if you are interested: http://miraclesblazinglight.wordpress.com Forgiveness challenge sounds awesome, I will have to look into that!! Thank you so much for stopping by Brad!

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