Being Pulled In A Million Directions Effects….

Is trying to figure out how to live more in the present moment just another arm grabbing at your attention and time, pulling you in a million directions? Photo 2015-07-06, 9 31 09 AM

We may read less in the traditional sense, like enjoying an educational work of non-fiction or a historical yet salacious page turning thriller, but we aren’t actually reading any less.

Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, blogs, newsletters, general web surfing, emails and texts, you are inundated with thousands of micro messages each day. No wonder you feel pulled in a million directions all the time. I haven’t even included the demand of actual breathing, warm blooded human beings of the leg-hugging or full grown variety. Another arm pulling you away from what you were just attempting to do, to get you to do what they want instead.

What is a girl to do?

Here is an information and revealing post I found titled, Why We Can’t Read Anymore.


Clutter comes in many forms and from many influences yet it is a symptom that it is covering up something you really don’t want to address. To implement positive and long lasting change, being clear on why you have this clutter, paves the way down your yellow brick road.

How did this journey of being pulled apart by the demands of life and stuff begin? Where did you want to go when you started taking on all of this work, all of these belongings, all of this baggage?

Your mind needs space to roam.

You life requires time to play.

I invite you to clarify your intentions for your life. How do you want to live? Understand your own power in the equation of how you spend your time at work and home and how those choices can create more abundance and happiness in your life.keep_giveaway

I also invite you to love your life enough to spend a little time thinking about why you have the clutter that you do have. Some examples are digital files, physical relics of days gone by, clothing, negative thoughts patterns, collectables, and on and on it goes. Why has it shown up and what is it hiding?

If this answer eludes you, try spending some time with these items and in your mind ask it why it is here in your life then get quiet and pay attention to the thoughts that enter your mind. This answer may not come in what I call made for tv time, so be patient. If you have been hanging onto this clutter for a long time or it feels especially hard to let it go, this answer may need some encouragement and time to come to the surface.

Clutter makes me think of Buddhist monks and their spectacular sand mandalas. Training for years to perform this ritual, monks spend countless hours over many days creating these amazing works of art, only to destroy them afterwards as a symbol of the impermanence of life.

The art of non-attachment serves us all well. True joy can not be found in a cash register.

I congratulate you for making the wise decision to value your happiness more than your clutter. Of choosing to release that which no longer serves you for a brighter, clearer more energetically charged future.lifeisfortheliving

Perhaps you have been enjoying this series from the first post or perhaps you have just discovered it here. Here are the quick links to read the other posts in this series.

Tip #1 on re-kindling you creativity and profits
Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost
Tip #3 on how to get started when you are ready to take the plunge into organizing your physical and digital worlds
Tip #4 on how to lose what you don’t love.
Tip #5 on the importance of sprucing up the view in your nest
Tip #6 on the one tip that will keep you from drowning in clutter ever again

We are all different and require different starting points. Some items are easy to purge while others cling onto you like a leach in the amazon. Be strong and if you don’t love it, lose it.

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Visit Coaching Packages & Workshops to book your Life & Soul Coaching package today. When you talk, I’ll listen.thegirlsOct_2015 (1)

Creating a Space That You LOVE Can Be The Secret To…


We discussed having supplies and tools that you love already, but what about the bigger picture? How your space feels is a key element in your ability to create abundance in your life; this includes money, happiness, opportunities and so much more.

With all of the time that you spend at your keyboard, doesn’t it just make sense to be in an environment that fosters your well being?

You have been busy clearing away your old files, jeans and collectibles. You have been organizing your computer’s hard drive and desktop. You have been saying hello to lost treasure and good bye to your junk. You are awesome!

Now it is time to take a seat in the spot you like to work (yes, go there and sit down). Do this both at home and at the office, and get quiet in your mind and body. What do you see? What would you like to see? Colours, textures, scents and feelings all play into your ability to focus, be creative and to get things done.

Could you use some aromatherapy, fresh flowers, a new piece of art that reflects an adventure you have on your bucket list or maybe a new colour of paint?

I ask you to love the view from the seat where you create, work and thrive. Trust me on this, it really will improve every aspect of your life. By putting some fresh new personal touches on it, you will want to be in that space more, which in itself will increase your productivity and profits.

You will be happier, feel motivated, more inspired; creativity will flow and so will the abundance.

So whether you work in a cubicle or a corner office with a rock star view, whether you are planning a full renovation or just a few tweaks; loving the view from where you sit can make all the difference.

Pinterest is an excellent resource for decorating if you haven’t already checked it out. You can set your search parameters around your exact needs and create a board for My New Office and starting pinning!Photo 2015-08-29, 7 09 40 PM

Today’s post is tip five of a seven part series. You can read the previous articles:

Tip #1 on re-kindling you creativity and profits
Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost
Tip #3 on how to get started when you are ready to take the plunge into organizing your physical and digital worlds
Tip #4 on how to lose what you don’t love.

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me today.
Live life in full bloom. 

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
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Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.
When you talk, I’ll listen.

Clutter – How to Get Started When You Don’t Know Where To Begin

Whether it is shoes, throw pillows, years of files or manly collectibles, we all have our weak spot for stuff.

I mean we love our stuff, but we can’t let commercialism drive our cars so to speak (pun intended). If the urge to “have stuff” navigates our route, we are in for big trouble both financially and spiritually and let’s be honest, environmentally. Sorry mother nature for all the abuse to this amazing wonderland you supplied us with, just doesn’t seem quite adequate does it?

Clearly she is mad. Very mad. Volatile and epic storms, dying polar bears due to no summer sea ice and ubiquitous algal blooms and exploding jellyfish populations have been noted.

We all need to take back the keys to the ignition and turn up the music of our favourite playlist to drown out the requests for more, more, more. I promise you, if you do a major gutting you will reap the benefits personally, professionally, healthfully and financially.Happy Boxes, life coach, entrepreneur, success, action, reality, Lisa van Reeuwyk, Bloom Lisa,, organized Make the space for a big heap of your stuff that is coming out of your desk, closets, cupboards  and shelves and set aside the time to gather everything up before you start. Not only will you be two-feet in and fully committed, you can realistically assess how much time you will need to:

  • donate
  • recycle
  • chuck
  • re-organize
  • pay forward
  • launder
  • re-joice in re-discovering
  • wonder what the heck you were thinking when you bought it?

…all of your digital and physical creations.

We will take this to the next level next week, but for now, feel no shame as you stock pile your dusty and outdated files and flared jeans.

If you missed the first two tips, click here for Tip #1on re-kindling you creativity and profits and here for Tip #2 to free up hours of time each week at virtually no cost.

Thank you for sharing your time with me today.
Live life in full bloom. 

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
 Instagram    Facebook Page   Twitter   Pinterest

Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.
When you talk, I’ll, logo, bloom lisa coaching, Lisa van Reeuwyk, organize, entrepreneur, mompreneur, success

How To Rekindle Your Creativity and Profitability at Work (and Save Money Doing It)

Time is more than money these days, it is the most valueable commodity you have. This is why I decided to write a few posts to rekindle your creativity and productivity at work.

I want you to make an investment in yourself. When you re-invent the spaces you spend most of your time, you will experience heightened creativity, increased profitability and a more abundance-centered attitude. The stuff you use is a pretty big part of this.

It’s simple, when you feel good you get more effective results in a shorter period of time AND you not only create more abundance in your life you also enjoy your work a whole heck-of-a-lot more!

Tip #1 – Have organizing tools that you LOVE.Photo 2015-09-17, 12 03 22 PM

With a clear intention of the end result, create a budget for new supplies that foster productivity and your creativity. Create spaces and places that you want to be in.

At first, it can seem like a superfluous expense, but think about this; last time you wanted to start a new healthy lifestyle routine, how did you get yourself jazzed about it? I would bet money that you bought some new runners or a pair of those workout pants that makes your behind look way more amazing than your old sweatpants and a few items at the health food store that you read about online. We all love to have stuff we love. So set yourself up for success in the workplace by following the same pattern.

Do your research, create a budget and stick to it. Think about how you work and what you need that will create a structure for the supplies that you need.

If you are an entrepreneur, keep the receipts and write off the expense on your next tax return.

Here are a few links I found that I LOVED. I hope these links help you to visualize your desk, what lives on it and create that budget while you refine your shopping list!

Ten ways to organize the small stuff.
Family charging station!! Sooo awesome.
For those of you who need your office to go with you.
Apps for organizing you.
In your handbag.
Something pretty for your visual aids (I am Bloom Lisa after all)
Maybe something vintage for your office,
check out this Etsy shop!
If you prefer to put pen to paper, check out these notepads.

For parents:
If you drowning in kids papers and keepsakes, then you need to check this out.dreams_reality_action

Thank you for sharing your time with me today.
Live life in full bloom. 

Get your daily dose of laughter, joy, beauty and inspiration and Happy Boxes:
 Instagram    Facebook Page   Twitter   Pinterest

Visit Sessions With Lisa to book a Life Coaching session today.
When you talk, I’ll listen.twitter_header_shot

Clearing Your Space

As much as I love shopping, I love throwing stuff out even more! This means when I hit the wall with toys on the floor or a closet full of clothes that I don’t want to wear or a drawer that won’t open due to the sheer volume of stuff inside – I donate, pay forward or recycle the things which no longer serve a positive purpose in our life.different copy

It is easy to hold onto keep sakes from our past, inheritances from relatives, the daily mail pile up, artwork from daycare, those just in case I ever put the weight back on clothes and the just in case I ever look like I did before having kids clothes, friends that drag us down but have been with us for years and worries that keep our mind from focusing on our best life. I have written more on living your best life in my last post and it is worth a read.

We all know that when we have clutter in our minds, work space and homes it becomes a life force. We extend energy on the “stuff” that becomes unavailable for our higher pursuits.

I challenge you to clean up one space this weekend. It could be your desk, a drawer or a relationship. Un-friend those folks on your Facebook page that drive you wild posting their every movement clogging up your feed or say no to an invitation that you really want to say no to but feel obligated to say yes. Some people have so much stuff that they pay money every month to store it in a storage facility. Think of how good it will feel to donate some of your stuff to people who really need it like a support group for teen moms, a single parent in your community, war veterans or anywhere that resonates with your heart.

It will feel so good that I would bet money that you will move onto another space as you are riding high on the good vibes! ClearYourSpace

Did I mention that you will make room for new energies to come in? Yes, this is key and a wonderful benefit of clearing space in your life. Just be sure not to replace everything you just cleared away. Allow the chi to flow for a while and raise your energy with good news. When I practice Feng Shui and clear out the Wealth and Prosperity corner in my house and place red objects there I will get a new client or find some money in my house within 24 hours.


Find some systems that work for organizing the items you want to keep and follow a simple rule for any item you will keep: You must love it or it must go. No matter who gave it you or how much it cost, once again it is all about the LOVE!BloomLisa_Bubbles


Photo credits: #1 – Google Images  #2 – Archangel Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue and Hay House Publishing Photo #3: Happy Boxes Project by Lisa and Richard van Reeuwyk.

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page to get your daily dose of my new “Happy Boxes”, a co-creation of affirmations and quotes paired with my husband’s beautiful photography. Or here for my Twitter and Pinterest accounts.  I am so grateful for your support and do make it a habit to support those who support me.

Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business! Namaste _/|\_ Lisaquarter_ad_ScSh_2014



A Totem Animal Forest Series, Part One – Mr. Squirrel

This summer I met a lot of interesting characters on my adventures paddling and camping along the beautiful BC coastline. One character that remained a constant in my travels was the squirrel. I promised back in July that I would write about him at some point and I like to keep my promises!

The squirrel is the first of a three part series I have planned that will be followed by the deer and the often misunderstood wolf.

Mr. Squirrel – Resourceful, Organized & Honest

A common association with squirrel is the gathering of nuts and “squirrelling” them away for a rainy day. Squirrels scurry about, up and down trees, along fallen logs and seemingly always have something to do.

This little guy was a permanent guest at our campsite. I am feeling inspired to blog about the squirrel in August.

This little guy maintained a routine perimeter tour of our campsite demonstrating a mastery of the terrain and a laissez faire attitude towards the excitable children trying to catch him.

Squirrel sends a message of inevitable change. As things evolve, your life will be enhanced by clearing out clutter in your life. This is an easy one to follow, I mean who does’t want more room for new opportunities, relationships and a more abundant energy flow? You can feel this change coming and it is best to embrace it rather than avoiding the inevitable. I wrote a post on different ways to detoxify your life if you are interested in exploring this further.

Like a squirrel gathering nuts preparing for a long winter, you too must use this time to be cautious, prepared and vigilant. In doing so try to maintain a sense of balance in your work by scheduling some fun into your calendar!

He may be small but this little woodland creature is a strong messenger of perseverance and can climb any obstacle in its way! I love how squirrels always live near humans; we are closely connected to each other.

This little guy was anything but shy at Rathtrevor Beach, BC. An opportunist enjoying the bounty provided by messy little kids at the picnic table.

This little guy was anything but shy at Rathtrevor Beach, BC. An opportunist enjoying the bounty provided by messy little kids at the picnic table.

Squirrel is your POWER animal if these characteristics describe you:

-You absorb information best by doing rather than listening.

-Traits include being very organized, sociable and resourceful.

-You are upfront and honest in your relationships personally and professionally.

-You practice situational awareness as part of your strong survival skills. You are taken care of.

-You can be a bit erratic and need to be still, calm and listen to your inner guidance.

– You have an inherent sense of when it is best to retreat and when to confront less than ideal situations.

Photo credit – Richard van Reeuwyk

Typically with spirit animals if an animal shows up for you three times in a short period of time, there is a message for you. Not all of us live in an abundance of nature so be aware of photos, songs, patterns, clothing, accessories, sculptures, etc that you encounter.  If the animal shows up in a significant incident, the single sighting brings a strong message to you. Can you think of a recent encounter with one of your fellow residents from nature?

I love learning and writing about spirit animals. I find it enhances my reading sessions with clients in new and meaningful ways. If you are interested in learning more about one in your life, please leave it in the comments and I will consider it for a future post. I wrote about the Dragonfly which you can read more about here and also the butterfly.

Sending you light & love – Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page to get your daily dose of my new “Happy Boxes”, a co-creation of affirmations and quotes paired with my husband’s beautiful photography. Or here for my Twitter and Pinterest accounts. Thank you so much for your support. I am so grateful for all of your support and do make it a habit to support those who support me. Hey, what goes around comes around!

Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my spiritually based business! Namaste _/|\_ Lisa (aka BloomLisa)quarter_ad_ScSh_2014