What is an Inhale Without The Exhale?

This card has been coming up a lot in readings of late, It is such a beautiful and calming card, but it also evokes sadness.Sedna

The truth is, everything you need is available to you. Keep in mind the role balance plays in your life. You must give when you receive. This is as vital as your breath; after all what is the inhale without the exhale? Chances are if you are saturated in feelings of lack, you are also lacking a balance between giving & receiving.

In western culture we see who drives a newer car, lives in a bigger house and who takes fancier holidays and we feel that we should be doing better in life. This sense of lack has driven many into credit card debt, second mortgages & living a lie rather than a dream. The truth is if you are reading this blog you are doing better than most. That you have a smart phone, tablet and/or computer is proof enough. It is time to shift your perspective back into abundance thinking!

In this card, you can see the whale in the background. It is amazing to think about how the largest animal on earth survives on krill. What an incredible example of how the universe provides abundance! So if you are worrying about putting food on the table lately and you are reading this post, please stop!! Sedna the Alaskan Sea Goddess asks you to check these feelings of lack at the door. When she shows up it is a reminder that the universe provides infinite abundance, as always.

And look at that amazing full moon on the horizon. Each day is a new beginning where you can dive as deeply into a new day as you choose.

Raise your thoughts to your bright future. Focus on your goals & dreams. Spend time in nature. This combination will assure you happier tomorrows. 

This card is from Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, published by Doreen Virtue.

A little shameless self promotion:

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!

Be well & blessings to you!



Weekly Tarot Reading July 22nd – 28th, 2013

A week of all weeks is ahead of you. After some very hard work, both at the office and with your soul, you are now successfully manifesting your dreams.

This week is balanced which I love. I prefer to see you staying in the middle range of emotions rather than taking a roller coaster ride through the highs and lows. These three cards tell me you are doing good work with your meditations & releasing that wich no longer serves you. You have made room for exciting new opportunities to come into your life. You have been hard at work embracing your purpose as we start the week off with The Chariot featuring Archangel Metatron. We then see one of the best cards in the entire deck, Nine of Water. When a card says, “Your wishes come true!” it really doesn’t get any better than that. The third card Six of Earth, is a strong & high energy partner for Nine of Water.The_Chariot

The Chariot  is telling us that through your discipline, fairness and hard work you have reached a higher vibration. Often, when you feel stuck in a situation that you wish to leave, your energy vibration is very low. Your efforts have raised you up to a place where you can finally achieve your desires. You have moved past this rut with dedication and a strong resolve. The black & white stallions are charging forward as are you, pulling AA Metatron in his chariot adorned with Metatron’s cube. Some believe that studying this cube reveals the tree of life. He rides past the full moon, signifying that a new time is about to begin for you….and guess who is coming next!!!!Nine_of_Water

As the week progresses a definitive sign relays some excellent news to you in the Nine of Water. Take a good look at the card, leave a comment if you notice anything particularly interesting about the mermaid!! Everything about this card feels wonderful and you have shed your past worries and are allowing the light to seep into every corner of your life now. Enjoy this very special and happy time!!Six_of_Earth

Not that this wasn’t good enough news, we meet the Six of Earth who tells us we are receiving some gifts of abundance. These two cards come to us this week as a strong pair of abundance. This card is bright with greens signifying your growth. The scales are over flowing with coins, yet remain in balance. This balance is pivotal to your success and happiness right now.

I will keep this week’s reading to the point. so we can all get back out into the garden, the beach, the surf, the campground, the next sunny adventure or all of the above!!!

This week I am using the rich and highly detailed cards, Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts.

Enjoy this wonderful week! Love & light to you all and thank you so much for stopping by my little blog. Namaste, Lisa

Flush it Out for Summer

As we shift into the bountiful season of summer, mother nature provides a cornucopia of fresh, organic, GMO free, nutritious & natural food for us to eat.farmersmarket

Say goodbye to your harsh cleaning products and fill up your bottles with some home made concoctions with natural ingredients like tea tree oil, essential oils, lemon juice, vinegar and
 baking soda. Add some parsley and cilantro into your dishes and chia seeds too; all excellent natural detoxifiers.seedlings

Forget the drive thru and make some super sized  dishes on Sunday’s that can serve as left overs for the week. Ignite the passion within you for your vitality, get creative!! If you feel guided to do so, then do an actual cleanse to kick start the process. Visit your local health food store and ask some questions about different products. You may want one where you can still eat a lot of food (the more your eat, the more you poop, the more you cleanse philosophy) or a juicing cleanse may be what you need to give your system a rest or something in between.Cleanse_Detoxify

This post was inspired when the angels send me this card. It is a message of love as they ask us to Cleanse & Detoxify our bodies. This is about as straightfoward a message as they come.This card is radiant with soft yellow, pinks and oranges. The angel is young & bears the innocence of a teenager. She reminds me of how we all once felt – fresh, vibrant, free of impurities and the burdens of this electronic era. She stands among a field of orange lilies while holding an effervescent white & yellow flower in her hand. This white flower has cleansing & detoxifying properties and the orange lilies represent calmness & confidence.

This card also warns you to stay away from toxic situations and people. Be gentle with yourself as you cleanse harshness from your life right now. We all have these people in our lives, be gently with the process. Harsh elimination is not recommended.

I made these Gluten free, egg free, dairy free beauties with mostly organic ingredients for my highly food sensitive daughter. Oil Free Chocolate Zucchini Muffins.

I made these gluten free, egg free, dairy free beauties with mostly organic ingredients for my highly food sensitive daughter. Oil Free Chocolate Zucchini Muffins.

As a society, there are many groups of people who are moving towards a more sustainable relationship with their bodies and this planet but change doesn’t come easy.  We would be wise to remember that the “sweet ain’t sweet without the bitter baby”. If you are going to go the extra mile and fulfill your life purpose, live your passion, then you need a healthy body to do it.

Many people are turning to vegan, gluten-free or vegetarian diets in an effort to heal their bodies and ailments. Listen to your inner guidance as to what may be compromising your health and make a few changes. Everyone has different needs. If you want to continue to eat meat, buy grass fed organic and follow the philosophy of less meat, better meat. There are so many resources available to us that you can find support and information that will match your lifestyle and budget. Write down what you eat for a week & how you feel afterwards and then make some adjustments. Switch to a couple of squares of dark chocolate when you need a sweet treat over the baked goods or frozen treats. There are so many resources for interesting healthy meals & supplements that won’t cost you a dime: Pinterest is my new favourite resource for recipes but you can check out tv shows, websites by chefs, the library, Twitter, and right here on WordPress, of course, ;-)!!!!

If you can make this investment in yourself along with an active healthy lifestyle, then overtime you likely won’t need to take so many prescription drugs (or any at all under the guidance of your MD of course). People are so keen to buy a new car, furniture, clothes – yet they balk at the price of organic foods. This is not a healthy trend.Buddha_grace

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming so take baby steps. Break into one change per week ora  schedule that feels right to you and make the changes at a time of year that makes it easier to establish the changes as habits. Introduce some spirulina to your diet and believe the bottle when it tells you to add it gradually to your diet, let the cleansing begin my friends, lol!!! Replace your cleaning products with homemade or natural brands like Method or Nature’s Path, plant an herb garden in your window sill or a tomatoe plant on your balcony. If you are lucky enough to have a sunny patch in your yard, then plant a few vegetables, with your kids if you have them, and make it fun and interactive.

Just remember we are getting more sensitive as life becomes more hectic and at times overwhelming. Stay the course and take control of your own life. The food you put in your mouth is one of the few decisions that you entirely control, choose well my friends and watch the transformation begin.

Today’s card is from the Oracle card deck Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue,  artwork by Lisa Iris.

Peace, grace and love, Lisa

Please Like my BloomLisa Facebook Page by clicking the Like icon on the side bar on the right or by visiting my page by clicking here and checking it out for yourself. I post messages of inspiration there daily. Many blessings and thanks for helping me grow my Page with one random act of kindness at a time!