What Will You Choose?

Paris is on everyones mind.i-choose

It makes we want to squeeze the people I love. To hold them closer than I did yesterday; to feel the warmth of their breath on my skin and smell the sweetness of their hair.

I feel called to connect in a way that opens my heart a little wider.surround-yourself

Fear is spreading around the planet, causing hearts to close. I ask you not to let yours be one of them.martin-luther-king-quote

I am not so naive to think this is a simple matter. Not at all. But I do know that every war started with a single disagreement. If we can find peace in our own heart, it will make a difference. It is the only thing that ever has.

Live life in FULL bloom – your coach, Lisa


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Attention All Mother’s: Take A Break Today!!!

Happy Mother’s Day lovely ladies. As you love your mama’s today, make sure to love yourself too!!


Think of the safety procedures on an airplane for a moment. You must first secure your oxygen mask before attending to your children. Life is the same.

Please remember to take some time to honour your super mama spirit this Mother’s Day. That means filling up your spirit with a BREAK, even a small one, from all that you do for your family 24/7. If you take time for a little self care, the love and kindness generated by those acts will benefit your family more than any errands you can run. It really is for them too!!

A massage, a spa day, get your nails done, no cooking, some laughs at girl time, no house work for the day, some time alone with a book; whatever your poison, ENJOY, RELAX and LOVE!!!Tulip_FTOC

So this Mother’s Day, start a new trend where you love yourself as much as you do your family. 

Peace, grace and love, Lisa